Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2024

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.37-SNAPSHOT-b20240104



IGN-1691: Table: editable cell border is resulting in scrollbars
Fixed a bug that was causing the vertical scroll bar to appear when a table cell was in edit mode.
IGN-1693: Table: no way to programmatically cancel or set the editing state of a table cell
Added a property in the property editor that allows the user to specify the current editing cell.
IGN-8784: Bump JXBrowser in Platform to 7.36.3 due to CVEs
Bumped Perspective designer and Browser module JXBrowser version to 7.36.3 to resolve a list of Chromium CVEs.

Data & Logic


IGN-8231: Sequential Function Chart parameter value updates are not detected as new changes when saving the project
Fixed an issue where updating SFC parameters would not correctly mark the SFC as changed, causing it to not save the changes.



IGN-8785: JPMS arguments are not correctly being applied for client/designer launches using an older launcher against Java 17+ Gateways
Fixed an issue where Java Platform Module System (JPMS) arguments were not correctly being parsed when older client or designer launchers were used, leading to the first value in the client-exports.conf and client-opens.conf files being ignored, causing issues at runtime.

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