Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2024

This post contains changelog entries for nightly builds available in 2024

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.37-SNAPSHOT-b20240102



IGN-2834: Perspective users are not assigned SecurityZones/ security levels when IdP is not set
Fixed issue where security zones were not assigned when an IDP is not assigned in the Perspective project.


IGN-8673: Auditing includes Login Federated URL during Perspective Login
Removed superfluous information from the OIDC login and logout auditing messages.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.37-SNAPSHOT-b20240103



IGN-8182: Duplicating components in a Coordinate Container in percent mode with an Aspect ratio will result in new duplicated components showing up as a single pixel.
Ensure that components pasted into a percent mode Coordinate Container have the correct size and origin.

Gateway Network

Gateway Network

IGN-8581: Add gateway network stats back to Metrics Dashboard
Added individual connection stats back to Metrics Dashboard



IGN-8307: Regression in Gateway startup time caused by gateway-scoped runScript / GatewayScriptFunction
Fixed a significant regression in Gateway startup time on systems with many expression tags using the runScript expression function.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.37-SNAPSHOT-b20240104



IGN-1691: Table: editable cell border is resulting in scrollbars
Fixed a bug that was causing the vertical scroll bar to appear when a table cell was in edit mode.
IGN-1693: Table: no way to programmatically cancel or set the editing state of a table cell
Added a property in the property editor that allows the user to specify the current editing cell.
IGN-8784: Bump JXBrowser in Platform to 7.36.3 due to CVEs
Bumped Perspective designer and Browser module JXBrowser version to 7.36.3 to resolve a list of Chromium CVEs.

Data & Logic


IGN-8231: Sequential Function Chart parameter value updates are not detected as new changes when saving the project
Fixed an issue where updating SFC parameters would not correctly mark the SFC as changed, causing it to not save the changes.



IGN-8785: JPMS arguments are not correctly being applied for client/designer launches using an older launcher against Java 17+ Gateways
Fixed an issue where Java Platform Module System (JPMS) arguments were not correctly being parsed when older client or designer launchers were used, leading to the first value in the client-exports.conf and client-opens.conf files being ignored, causing issues at runtime.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.37-SNAPSHOT-b20240104



IGN-1691: Table: editable cell border is resulting in scrollbars
Fixed a bug that was causing the vertical scroll bar to appear when a table cell was in edit mode.
IGN-1693: Table: no way to programmatically cancel or set the editing state of a table cell
Added a property in the property editor that allows the user to specify the current editing cell.
IGN-8784: Bump JXBrowser in Platform to 7.36.3 due to CVEs
Bumped Perspective designer and Browser module JXBrowser version to 7.36.3 to resolve a list of Chromium CVEs.

Data & Logic


IGN-8231: Sequential Function Chart parameter value updates are not detected as new changes when saving the project
Fixed an issue where updating SFC parameters would not correctly mark the SFC as changed, causing it to not save the changes.



IGN-8785: JPMS arguments are not correctly being applied for client/designer launches using an older launcher against Java 17+ Gateways
Fixed an issue where Java Platform Module System (JPMS) arguments were not correctly being parsed when older client or designer launchers were used, leading to the first value in the client-exports.conf and client-opens.conf files being ignored, causing issues at runtime.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.37-SNAPSHOT-b20240108


User Sources

IGN-7854: Failure to read authToken prevents the gateway from starting or completing authToken maintenance
Failure to read IdP auth tokens from disk no longer prevents the gateway from starting
IGN-7542: Slow Vision Client IdP Login
Refactored Designer and Vision Client IdP auth token record system to improve performance under load

Gateway Network

Gateway Network

IGN-8321: Change send/receive thread count to be configurable on a per connection basis rather than gateway wide
Before the PR, the send/receive thread limits were the same values applied to all outgoing connections on the gateway. The thread counts are now configurable on a per-connection basis. Existing connections will take the values previously specified on the gateway. New connections will still have default thread counts of 5 for both sending and receiving, but these values will be configurable when creating and editing a connection.

EAM & Redundancy

IGN-8058: Pausing "Send Tags" task does not exist like other tasks do when setting up a schedule
Allows "Send Tags" scheduled EAM task to be paused like other scheduled tasks.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.37-SNAPSHOT-b20240108


User Sources

IGN-7854: Failure to read authToken prevents the gateway from starting or completing authToken maintenance
Failure to read IdP auth tokens from disk no longer prevents the gateway from starting
IGN-7542: Slow Vision Client IdP Login
Refactored Designer and Vision Client IdP auth token record system to improve performance under load

Gateway Network

Gateway Network

IGN-8321: Change send/receive thread count to be configurable on a per connection basis rather than gateway wide
Before the PR, the send/receive thread limits were the same values applied to all outgoing connections on the gateway. The thread counts are now configurable on a per-connection basis. Existing connections will take the values previously specified on the gateway. New connections will still have default thread counts of 5 for both sending and receiving, but these values will be configurable when creating and editing a connection.

EAM & Redundancy

IGN-8058: Pausing "Send Tags" task does not exist like other tasks do when setting up a schedule
Allows "Send Tags" scheduled EAM task to be paused like other scheduled tasks.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.37-SNAPSHOT-b20240110


OIDC Integration

IGN-8388: OIDCUserInfo GsonAdapter can't handle null nickname attribute
Fixed an issue where if the OIDC user info endpoint returned null for any of the properties, an UnsupportedOperationException prevented the response from being serialized.


Alarm Notification

IGN-8575: Notification Profile will skip over a user if any of their email addresses do not include an ‘@’ symbol.
Fixed an issue where email alarm notifications would skip notifications for users with an invalid email address configured.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.37-SNAPSHOT-b20240111

Platform Core


IGN-6872: Default logback configuration declares an invalid timezone specifier SSS
Fixed invalid time zone identifier in default logback.xml.



IGN-8987: Reporting component not rendering in Workstation
Reverted the upgrade to core underlying front-end library used by the Reporting module's Report Viewer and the Perspective module's PDF Viewer components due to dropped support for older browsers. Upgrade instead in next major release. Resolved security vulnerabilities (CVE-2022-37599, CVE-2022-46175, and CVE-2022-37601) by upgrading transitive dependencies directly.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.37-SNAPSHOT-b20240112


Alarm Status

IGN-8670: Remote alarms remain in the pipeline after the dropout condition has been met.
Fixed an issue where remote alarms would remain in pipelines despite dropout conditions being met.



IGN-8973: Project scripts can continue to attempt to run when switching projects in designer
Fixed an issue with modules not shutting down correctly between project switches in the Designer.



IGN-6770: system.util ends up with inaccessible / missing functions in Vision Client
Fixed an issue where in rare cases, Vision component custom methods would execute on a malformed script engine missing most system functions.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.38-SNAPSHOT-b20240122

Platform Core


IGN-6729: Implement system property to configure default route group concurrency timeout
Implements system property to configure default route group concurrency timeout

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.38-SNAPSHOT-b20240123


User Sources

IGN-6856: Active Directory: Improve log messages when LDAPReferralException is encountered due to referral policy setting = "Throw"
Added logging of LdapReferralExceptions that includes suggestions on how to avoiding them.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.38-SNAPSHOT-b20240124


Alarm Status

IGN-8178: Aggregate Runtime Alarm Metric Properties for Array Tags Do Not Update
Fixed aggregate runtime alarm metrics on array tags to update when alarms trigger on array elements.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.38-SNAPSHOT-b20240125

Data & Logic

SQL Bridge

IGN-4607: Named queries need to work in transaction groups, any other expression areas they're selectable
Add Named Query support for Transaction Group Expressions


Tags & UDTs

IGN-8946: Dataset custom property on a tag gets incorrectly cast to JSON when the tag is imported
Fixed an issue causing Dataset custom tag properties to be deserialized as JSON Strings on tag import or gateway restart

Tag Historian


IGN-8376: Upgrade Postgres JDBC driver version due to CVSS3 High CVE
Upgraded the bundled PostgreSQL driver to 42.7.1
IGN-8665: JDBC Driver upgrade fails to delete old JAR
Fixed an issue where older JDBC drivers might not be properly removed when upgrading to a newer JAR.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.38-SNAPSHOT-b20240125

Data & Logic

SQL Bridge

IGN-4607: Named queries need to work in transaction groups, any other expression areas they're selectable
Add Named Query support for Transaction Group Expressions


Tags & UDTs

IGN-8946: Dataset custom property on a tag gets incorrectly cast to JSON when the tag is imported
Fixed an issue causing Dataset custom tag properties to be deserialized as JSON Strings on tag import or gateway restart

Tag Historian


IGN-8376: Upgrade Postgres JDBC driver version due to CVSS3 High CVE
Upgraded the bundled PostgreSQL driver to 42.7.1
IGN-8665: JDBC Driver upgrade fails to delete old JAR
Fixed an issue where older JDBC drivers might not be properly removed when upgrading to a newer JAR.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.38-SNAPSHOT-b20240129



IGN-7619: Mozilla Rhino update for vulnerability with 7.5 score
Bumped the versions of the Designer's bundled script editor and associated libraries. This patches a CVE in the Mozilla Rhino JS engine (which was being brought in as a dependency, but is now specifically excluded).
In addition, this offers certain editing "niceties", including smart quotes, square brackets and curly braces, and better handling of automatic indentation when authoring and pasting Python code.

Web UI

Web UI

IGN-9015: Lodash 3.0 dependency detected in codebase, security vulnerability
Complete a previously incomplete lodash security vulnerability resolution by upgrading lingering dependencies.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.38-SNAPSHOT-b20240130

Platform Core


IGN-8776: Modules use Platform EULA for installs and 'view license'
Makes new IA module installs require re-accepting platform EULA since individual IA module EULAs were removed.


Tags & UDTs

IGN-8144: Programmable Device Simulator's Generic Program does not randomize RandomBoolean tags
Fixed an issue where random boolean values for the PLC device simulator were not changing.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.38-SNAPSHOT-b20240131



IGN-9087: Milo 0.6.12
Updated Milo (OPC UA SDK) to version 0.6.12.


Voice Notification

IGN-6220: Voice alarming audit action text is confusing
Adjusted the ordering of VOIP Notification audit logs action text to be more clear by adding a "call started" audit event and changing action text "call placed" to "call completed."



IGN-8750: Refactor uses of SimpleDateFormat in Vision (client and vision designer)
Date formatting in vision must occur through the Swing utilities, or else an error will be displayed with the text Date format accessed/updated from an asynchronous thread. Vision component date formats must be accessed from the Event Dispatch Thread. Consider using system.util.invokeLater.