Nightly Changelog: 8.1.41-SNAPSHOT-b20240514
User Sources
IGN-4637: Expose SAML Response XML Document in Perspective
Perspective session prop session.props.auth.idpAttributes
now contains a property named authnResponse
with a string value of the SAML Response XML when the project IdP is a SAML IdP
IGN-9692: Vision: Calendar/Pop Up Calendar Components show a datetime format error when used in a Template being displayed in a Template Canvas/Repeater Component and when searched for using the Find/Replace functionality.
Reverted a change made to Vision components that was causing an erroneous "date format access on asynchronous thread" error to pop up.
IGN-9763: Leaflet Map: geojson styleOptions does not accept className
Added the className string property to the styleOptions object property of the Leaflet map component's geoJson feature layers.