Nightly 8.1 Changelogs - 2024

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.39-SNAPSHOT-b20240306

Data & Logic

SQL Bridge

IGN-8239: Transaction groups can fail to stop during slow IO operations
Fixed an issue where a Transaction Group could fail to stop properly resulting in being unable to start the same group.


SAML Integration

IGN-9235: Bump Apache Santuario (xmlsec) Dependency to address CVE-2023-44483
Upgraded Apache Santuario (xmlsec) dependency from v2.3.3 to v2.3.4

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.39-SNAPSHOT-b20240307



IGN-8915: Stream to perspective video player remains open when closing popup or navigating to a new view
Fixed a bug where live feed data would continue to load after the stream is closed.
IGN-6546: Power Chart: If a pen is not rendered on the pen control of the chart, then it will be removed when the visibility of other pens is toggled
Invalid pens will be rendered in the Power Chart footer

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.39-SNAPSHOT-b20240308



IGN-8994: Breakpoint container disappears on toggling preview mode in the Designer
Fixed a bug causing breakpoint containers to crash when toggling preview mode in the designer.


Alarm Journal

IGN-9207: Alarm journaling for re-enabled alarms is inconsistent
Fixed an issue where re-enabling alarms in specific alarm states weren't stored to the alarm journal.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.39-SNAPSHOT-b20240312



IGN-9236: Bump jose4j Dependency to address potential DoS Vulnerability
Bumped jose4j dependency from v0.9.3 to v0.9.5 to address a potential DoS vulnerability



IGN-9273: Upgrade Apache POI from 3.17 to 4.1.2 to remove mandatory log4j dependency, retest IGN-5969
Upgrade Apache POI from 3.17 to 4.1.2



IGN-1181: Add tabindex to meta props schema, emit into rendered component if appropriate
Added the tabIndex property to component meta props


Java - Azul

IGN-9121: Bump bundled runtime to Java 17.0.10
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version is now 17.0.10


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.39-SNAPSHOT-b20240313



IGN-2412: Bindings do not move with the array items in props.items when Structure > Add before or Add after are used.
Property configs, including bindings, remain assigned to moved or shifted array items within the Property Editor.
IGN-3141: Array element dragging results in duped values
Reordered array items within the JSON Editor or Property Editor do not result in duplicate index keys.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.39-SNAPSHOT-b20240314

Tag Historian


IGN-9328: Upgrade Postgres JDBC driver due to CVE-2024-1597
Upgraded the bundled PostgreSQL driver to 42.7.2



IGN-8375: Selecting a row or column in a Perspective Table results in a write for every item in the row or column if there is a bidirectional property binding on
Added new "coalesce" property for bidirectional bindings, to consolidate multiple changes into a single write back.


Tags & UDTs

IGN-9178: Fix ignored InterruptedExceptions in
Added additional concurrency-related error handling

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.39-SNAPSHOT-b20240315


Tags & UDTs

IGN-9177: Fix ignored InterruptedExceptions in
Add concurrency-related error handling to Tag Reference Tracker API

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.39-SNAPSHOT-b20240318



IGN-9349: Reporting: Filter Keys do not work in Child tables of Table Groups
Fixed: Filter Keys no longer worked for child tables of Table Groups.

Tag Historian

Store & Forward

IGN-6929: Tag history splitter does not forward data to the second connection when the first connection is faulted and its S & F is filled.
Fixed an issue with the tag history splitter that would prevent secondary data storage if the primary connection's memory buffer limit was met.


Alarm Notification

IGN-3256: Alarm Consolidation causes all consolidated events to be sent to the first roster that hits the notification block
Fixed an issue where all alarm events captured within an alarm consolidation delay period would only be sent to the roster assigned to the first alarm event. Now, all assigned rosters from alarm events gathered by consolidation will be sent a notification.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.39-SNAPSHOT-b20240319



IGN-7673: DateTimeInput - minute decrement arrow is disabled when setting the minutes for any hour during the same day to less than the minute on minDate property
Fixed an issue in the DateTime Input/Picker component that caused the minute and second increment/decrement buttons to be incorrectly disabled.

Gateway Network

EAM & Redundancy

IGN-7186: EAM: Allow the tag collision policy to be specified in the Send Tags task
Added ability for EAM Send Tags Task to specify Tag Collision Policy.



IGN-9172: Reporting: Headers are duplicated when exporting data to CSV
Fixed an issue where saving a multi-page report containing tables with headers to CSV format resulted in duplicate table headers being exported for each page



IGN-8983: Reading install-info.txt throws "IllegalArgumentException: Malformed \uxxxx encoding. "
Installer creation of the install-info properties file now properly escapes invalid characters so they are read successfully on gateway startup.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.39-SNAPSHOT-b20240320


Tags & UDTs

IGN-9267: Tag breaks and throws ClassCastException when using system.tag.configure to override the datatype of an alarm’s custom property
Fixed an issue where using system.tag.configure() to overwrite UDT alarm custom properties with a different datatype would throw a 'ClassCastException' resulting in UDT instance member tags from updating.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.39-SNAPSHOT-b20240320


Alarm Notification

IGN-2188: Support Airlink SMS notification on redundant systems
Add redundancy settings for Airlink SMS notification profiles

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.39-SNAPSHOT-b20240321



IGN-7136: Micro800 Driver
Added a new driver for communication with Allen Bradley Micro800 series PLCs via Ethernet/IP.

Gateway Network

EAM & Redundancy

IGN-9268: EAM: Upgrading a 3rd Party Module Through an Agent Task Fails to Accept the Module License on the Agent Gateway
Fixed an issue where using EAM Install Module task to upgrade a 3rd party module could cause the new module to be quarantined.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.39-SNAPSHOT-b20240322



IGN-9471: Ensure license state update listeners get removed during shutdown
Fixed an issue where the license state update listener on the Mitusbishi Driver and Micro800 Driver was not getting removed on shutdown.
IGN-9470: DNP3 Driver Trial Expires When Licensed
Fixed a bug that triggered trial timeout logic when a partial license trial expired.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.40-SNAPSHOT-b20240325



IGN-8213: Runtime exceptions in one scheduled report distribution task affect all subsequent distribution tasks
Fixed an issue where the failure of a scheduled action during report distribution would disrupt the execution of subsequent actions.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.40-SNAPSHOT-b20240325



IGN-8213: Runtime exceptions in one scheduled report distribution task affect all subsequent distribution tasks
Fixed an issue where the failure of a scheduled action during report distribution would disrupt the execution of subsequent actions.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.40-SNAPSHOT-b20240401



IGN-5139: CRC Corruption Error In Designer Log After Opening Tag Browser for the first time
Fixed CRC Corruption error that would appear when opening the Tag Creator in Edge, Maker, or Cloud edition.

Web UI

Web UI

IGN-3158: Designer Memory Settings - 128 MB option Text Change
Fixed display of 128 MB option for Designer memory in Gateway Settings page.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.40-SNAPSHOT-b20240402



IGN-9367: Vision Component Script Editor window opening behind Designer window
Fixed an issue where Vision components' script editor could not be opened from the project browser; it would automatically be "hidden" by the primary designer frame.


Tags & UDTs

IGN-9353: Multi-Instance Wizard: Pre-defined parameters do not work
Fixed an issue within the Multi-Instance Wizard where supplying predefined parameters resulted in the loss of their string type and binding upon creation.



IGN-9337: backport air-gapped option for launchclient.jar signature verification
Updated the list of the Designer Launcher and Vision Client Launchers' signature.verification.strength to the following list:
STRICT: revocation checks are required, disallow older gateways
MODERATE: soft fail on revocation checks, disallow older gateways
AIR_GAPPED: no revocation checks performed, disallow older gateways
LENIENT: soft fail on revocation checks and allow legacy gateways
LOOSE: no revocation checks and allow legacy gateways

LENIENT is still the default, though this will change in 8.3 to MODERATE.

Nightly Changelog: 8.1.40-SNAPSHOT-b20240403



IGN-9324: Perspective Rendering of View Changes After Upgrade to Chrome v122
Fixed popup positioning issues caused by changes made in Chromium version 122.
IGN-9226: Perspective: Tree component the horizontal scroll bar only appears after scrolling down the vertical scroll bar to the end.
Fixed an issue that necessitated scrolling to the bottom of the Perspective Tree component to see the horizontal scrollbar.



IGN-8725: Cell Update Value Bindings are Always Appended to the End Instead of the Cursor Position
Changed Cell Update Bindings to append to the cursor position when inserting a tag or property value into the Cell Bindings table.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.1.40-SNAPSHOT-b20240404


Tags & UDTs

IGN-9046: Limit the rate of "Error accessing InternalJsonStorageInfoRecord" log messages
Fixed caching issue that caused 'Error accessing InternalJsonStorageInfoRecord' messages to fill the Diagnostic Logs.

Gateway Network

Gateway Network

IGN-9243: Add remote gateway platform version to gateway network status pages
Adds remote gateway platform version to gateway network status page, including a warning when legacy (7.x) gateways are detected.


Nightly Changelog: 8.1.40-SNAPSHOT-b20240408


Tags & UDTs

**IGN-9154: NPE generated for LegacyTagConverter when restoring/upgrading 7.9 backup on 8.1 Master Gateway **
Fixed an issue where an NPE prevented legacy tag conversion from successfully completing if redundancy was enabled.
IGN-9146: UDT Instance parameter binding does not update in the Tag Browser when passing down parameters in Nested UDTs
Overrides of Parameters in UDT Instance members will correctly propagate change to dependents.