Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.2018121820

Alarm Notification

FB11560: Ack properties can’t be used in custom email message defined on alarm.

Ignition Platform

FB12099: Security Levels Rules now work for descendants of Authenticated

FB12078: Remove bundled MSSQL and MySQL drivers, bundle MariaDB driver

FB11986: Update the release plugin to remove the GCU

FB11395: Correct editors for expression in derived and reference types, helper editors for opc and tag browsing, better rules for scaling properties.

FB11586: Removed confusing editing buttons from tag editor.

FB11986: Remove graphical GCU, update build-plugin and remove gcu tasks from installer and gradle

FB11729: Coerced empty string to empty array of dest type

FB12037 Azul font rendering issues, dialog font is now the default font
Updated the runtimes to include fallback fonts (google noto -> SIL Open Font License), a proper file, and (MIT) in linux distros to prevent failed launching on flavors that rely on a different fontconfig mechanism.
Synthetica now uses Dialog as the default font instead of Tahoma.
In order for these changes to appear on your clients/designers you must clear the runtime cache

FB11991 Launchers can edit the Gateway Address for an app
Now the gateway address updates the fields where it is displayed on the applications card in the designer launcher.

FB12078: MariaDB driver classname fix

FB12142 Can’t copy tag
Fixed issue where copy/paste inside the same provider was renaming the tag instead of copying it.


FB12092: Display Issues With Some Component Inputs In Popups
Portal the dropdown component menu into the proper context. Fixed the layout of the date time input in time picker mode (centered, hides overflow, and arrows aligned).

FB11200: Restructure material icon set so that it may be used with html image tag and effectively the map component

FB10625 edit Named Style modal allows rename of the base style
Now the Named Style can be renamed in the create/edit styles modal. It appears at the top of the editor pane on the left hand side which is similar to states and media query settings. Added some name validation to ensure that it doesn’t collide with an existing Named Style and conforms with the style name regex with a validated field and toggling of the enabled state of the ok and apply buttons. Once the create modal is opened the style name is modified if it doesn’t comply with the valid name pattern. Upon closing we now also expand the tree back to the directory the user was in instead of just collapsing to the root node.