Nightly Changelogs - 2019

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190715

Ignition Platform

14090: Alarm acknowledgments not being applied over redundancy after gateway restart
Fixed an issue where alarms acknowledged on the redundant backup now remain acknowledged on the master after it starts up. Also, alarms acknowledged on a non-redundant gateway now remain acknowledged after the gateway is restarted

14384: Value, Quality, Timestamp properties missing from the Tag Browser
Fixed a regression where the Value, Quality, and Timestamp meta properties were not being shown in the Tag Browser.

13971: Perspective mobile app auth flow can intermittently fail when multiple gateways are behind a reverse proxy
Fixed an issue where Perspective app authentication could fail when multiple gateways are behind a reverse proxy due to authentication redirection. Newer versions of the Perspective app contain changes to account for this issue.


14341: Thread-unsafe use of SimpleDateFormat in TypeUtilities
Fixed an issue that could cause datasets with date columns to appear mis-ordered in Perspective when there are at least two sessions viewing the dataset.

13734, 13619: Property Key validation and handling fixes
Deprecated spaces in property keys and improved general editor experience around key validation.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190716

Ignition Platform

14320: Unneeded custom props added to tag definition on upgrade conversion
Resolved an upgrade issue where legacy UDT properties, such as UDTParentType, were being duplicated as benign Custom Properties after upgrade. This fix prevents the duplicate properties from being created.

14285: Potential deadlock in transaction group status monitoring
Fixed a potential deadlock in transaction group monitoring code that was triggered by redundancy state synchronization.

14252: Incorrect interpolation for cached queries
Fixed an issue where tag history values were being interpolated incorrectly due to the inclusion of cached values.

14417: Fixed tag conversion error where UDT def parent was missing
Fixed an issue where legacy tag conversion would fail if a UDT definition was missing its parent type before upgrading.


14468: Update property validation regex to keep array index references
Fixed a JSON deserialization issue that was caused by array properties.

14364: Client shows stale tags when losing network connectivity
Fixed an issue where Vision component bindings would get stuck with a stale quality overlay after reconnecting from a network outage.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.3-b20190718

Ignition Platform

14450: Java unzipping cleanup for windows
Prevented an infinite loop that could be encountered while running the “install-ignition.bat” file.

14463: Apply changes made for vertical lines to horizontal lines when drawing the route
Fixed an issue where connections between pipeline blocks were not visible or configurable. Attempting to view or configure connections caused an exception, citing “The graph contains no edge supplier”.

13863: Better support for Let’s Encrypt
The Gateway will now periodically check the key store on-disk every 15 minutes, and replace the in-memory store if there is a difference. Also added a new gwcmd option (-g, --reloadks) which can be used to manually update the in-memory key store.


14291: Fixed flex repeater useDefaultWidth/Height regression
Fixed a regression where view instances in a Flex Repeater were not respecting the useDefaultViewWidth property.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190722

Ignition Platform

14297, 14125: Account for script folders created for on import after 7.9 conversion
Fixed an issue where importing a new resource into a project from the Designer would not automatically refresh the Project Browser, specifically in cases where the imported resources were originally in a folder.

14362: Block group unable to start when imported from XML
Fixed an issue where Block Groups were unable to start after upgrading to the 8.0 branch. Additionally fixed a related issue where Block Groups where unable to start after being imported from XML.

14239: Fix entering negative numbers in some locales
Resolved an issue where users in certain locales were unable to enter and commit negative numbers into numeric fields. The underlying problem was caused by the default Java methods that determine which minus character to use (minus, hyphen-minus, small-hyphen-minus), were selecting an incorrect character. This ticket resolved the issue by adding our own method to inject the “correct” character.


14500: Docked views set to Push are covering coordinate root views
Fixed a regression where south docked views set to push were erroneously covering the primary view, specifically in cases where the primary view is using a coordinate layout.


14489, 14482: Clients taking a long time to connect
Fixed an issue where Vision Clients would assume the gateway’s address was while initially connecting to the gateway if “autodetect” was enabled, causing a long delay until the login screen will appear.

The 8.0.3 RC is now available - you can download it here.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190723

Ignition Platform

13866: isAlarmActive() does not accept relative paths “[.]” in 8.0.1
Fixed an issue where the isAlarmActive expression function was unable to parse relative paths: e.g.,"[.]folder/tag"

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190724

Ignition Platform

12040: Fix AbstractAssetManager reaction to dir creation on Windows
Fixed an issue that was causing an error in the wrapper on initial creation of the Perspective module’s fonts directory on Windows.


14508: Fix docstring typo and general cleanup
Fixed a couple of tooltip typos on the Moving Analog Indicator component.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190725

Ignition Platform

14020: Update tag tree UI to display the UDT structure when selecting a tag reference
Fixed an issue where the “datatypes” folder was missing from the tag picker popup that’s located in the “expression” property on Expression Tags.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190726

Ignition Platform

14498: Check if resource folder exists before attempting to delete
Deleting a folder with child resources no longer generates an “unable to delete resource” message in the Designer’s console.

14374: Add hasChanged expression back into the default function factory
Reintroduced the hasChanged expression function in the Gateway scope. Additionally, the function now has a pollRate argument, and is no longer restricted to just transaction groups and expression tags.

13984: Fixed “tag already exists” error on 8.0 xml import
Fixed an erroneous “Tag Exists” error that could occur when importing from a 7.9 XML export file.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190729

Ignition Platform

12829: Reporting Designer tab icon updates
Reduced the intensity of the icons on the Reporting workspace tabs to visually fit better with the rest of the Designer’s tool bars.

14441: Align the authentication required check of the SMTP profile with the direct Email Notification Profile
Fixed an issue where SMTP profiles were unable to send emails while user credentials weren’t set.

14243: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if you try to resize the bottom of the tag editor prop area
Fixed a harmless ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException that could occur in the designer when attempting to resize the bottom of the Tag Editor property area.

14438: Vision Client tags now display tag event script trait icon when one is configured
Fixed an issue where Vision Client Tags were not displaying the Tag Event Script trait icon in the Tag Browser.

13881: TagProviderImpl#writeAsync discards quality and timestamp from qualified values written to tags
Fixed an issue where tag writes via system functions were only passing the value, discarding the quality and timestamp.

9855: Tag Alarm Configurations stack when copy and pasted
Fixed an issue where copy-pasting alarm configurations would “stack” the alarms under a single entry.

Tag Historian

14483: Log an error if unable to convert qualified path to new tag path during normalization
Added more useful logging for a potential tag history query failure.


13966: Touchscreen mode not honoring scroll bar width
Fixed an issue where Vision Clients were ignoring the Scrollbar Width project setting.

14261: Indication in client that a project update has occurred
Added a [System]Client/System/LastProjectUpdate tag, which shows the timestamp (as a datetime) that a project update was last detected.


14382: Fixed icon/image floating when scrolling
Fixed an issue where icons could become uncoupled from button components when the position is set to center. Additionally added a style property under the “image” property of the button.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190730

Ignition Platform

13651: Allow fontSize or color styles to be specified on tank component
Added font styling properties to the Cylindrical Tank component.

14559: Fix unique constraint error upgrading UA next settings records
Fixed a unique constraint violation error that could occur while upgrading from 7.9.12 to 8.0.+

14549: Show Web Server Config Page on Edge
Fixed an issue where the new Web Server web page added in 8.0.3 wasn’t appear on Edge gateways.


14044: Time Series Chart and Brushed Time Selector Chart
We added two new Perspective components. See this post for reference [New Chart Components]

13434: XYChart, prevent memory leak when updating data or configuration
Fixed a memory leak on the Perspective XYChart that could occur when making changes to the underlying data and/or properties on the component.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190731

Ignition Platform

14155: Prepend the default project to system.db.runNamedQuery scope if missing
The system.db.runNamedQuery function no longer requires the project name as an argument in the Gateway scope

13800: IsShelved tag alarm property isn’t updating to reflect shelved status
Fixed an issue where the IsShelved tag alarm property was not updating when an alarm on the associated tag was shelved.

14570: Security Zones Ignored By Named Queries when executed thru runNamedQuery scripting function
Resolved an issue where system.db.runNamedQuery was able to bypass Security Zone restrictions when called from Perspective.


14203: TextField/Text Area ESC keyboard shortcut
NumericEntryField (direct, and protected mode), TextField, and TextArea perspective components now have a keyboard shortcut (esc) which causes the component to lose focus and (if bound) reverts the Component’s value to the value stored in the tag.

12711: Tag History Binding Tag Table Should Be Responsive To Available Area
Improved UI responsiveness in Tag History Bindings for both Perspective and Vision.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190801

Ignition Platform

14191: Managed tag providers can still create tags even when set to not allow creation
Resolved an issue where Managed Tag Providers incorrectly allow tag creation even when configured to prevent it (example: copy/paste in system status tags)


13992: Named Query parameter popup is having focus issues
Fixed an issue causing edits to be lost when editing named query parameters in binding configuration windows.


7577: Make numeric keypad dialog obey touchscreen keyboard width prop
Made the The ‘Touchscreen Keyboard Width’ project property now applies to the Numeric Touchscreen Keyboard as well.

14544: Fixed vision popup calendar displaying popup when disabled
Fixed an issue where clicks on a disabled Popup Calendar component would still register, allowing users to interact with the component while disabled.

14556: Bindings Against Components Which Include A Space In Their Name Fail
Fixed a regression where bindings that contained property references to components that contained a space in their name would fail to evaluate.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190802

Ignition Platform

14233: Script console interrupt
Added an interrupt command (Ctrl + C) to the Designer’s Script Console.


14564: Upgrade JX Browser to 6.24 from 6.23.1
Upgraded the JX Browser library to resolve an issue where an image component containing an invalid URL source path would cause the designer to freeze.

13859: Run FileWatcher immediately on startup
Fixed an issue where running Perspective sessions would lose their styling information upon gateway restart.


Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190805

Ignition Platform

13539: Email Alarm Notification Page Updated Style
Made some visual updates to the Email Alarm Notification Acknowledgement page.

13731: Make Edge Historian available in standard gateway (8.0)
The “Edge Historian”, an internal history provider, is now available on standard Ignition gateways.


13821: Implemented closePage() script functions
Added ability to close a page immediately through scripting with system.perspective.closePage

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190806

Ignition Platform

14621: Managed tags created and deleted by the gateway are now exempt from create/delete EditRights
Fixed an issue where System Tags were not available after the Gateway startup.

14338: Normal subscriptions and wildcard subscriptions can clash
Fixed an issue where multiple subscriptions to the same tag nodes could potentially clash, resulting in one of the subscriptions (such as a binding) to no longer update.


14533: Prevent NPE when deleting duplicate key
Fixed a potential null pointer exception thrown when deleting a duplicate key.


14428: Force tag function to ‘read’ mode in TagReferenceBinder
Fixed an issue with the tag() expression function not working in report parameters and query parameter bindings.

14432: Add cosmetic-only name field to script data sources
Added a name attribute to script data sources that allows them to be easily labelled.


14014: Can’t view Group Tags in “Choose Tag” menu in transaction groups
Resolved an issue where the “Group Tags” tab in transaction groups was missing from the various “Choose Tag” windows.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190808


14518: DNP3 octet strings, synchronize after connect, add integrity set points up until an error is found
Fixed an issue where the DNP3 driver would show incorrect values in cases where the outstation omits the object header and object, and the master requests an index that doesn’t exist.

Ignition Platform

7433: Add support for Unicode to InteractiveInterpreter
Added support for Unicode characters to the Script Console output pane.

14467, 14609: UDT members aren’t syncing to redundant Backup gateway
Corrected several cases where UDT member changes on a redundant backup would not properly synchronize with the master.


13877: Fix file upload naming to Windows gateways
Fixed an issue where files with non-ASCII names uploaded to Windows gateways would have their names decoded incorrectly.

14490: Gauge Component Inner Needle error
Fixed an issue with the Gauge Component where providing an innerAxis, but not an outerAxis, would result in a component error.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190809

Ignition Platform

14671: system.tag.browse with null path does not return providers
Fixed an issue where system.tag.browse with an empty path would not return a list of all tag providers as the first level of results.

14584: Complex tag properties, such as Parameters, are not correctly collapsed for editing in type hierarchies deeper than one parent
Complex tag properties, such as Parameters, are not correctly collapsed for editing in type hierarchies deeper than one parent.


14194: Perspective Map component, add callable scripts and many more component events
Added many callable methods to the Map component that can change the zoom level, pan, and more. Additionally, several component methods were added, such as onMapClick, and onZoom.

14546: Fix NPE when component ID is invalid
Corrected an issue where components with an invalid type ID would cause the component to no longer be shown/expanded in the Project Browser.


8965: Improve usability of various actions in reporting
Added a toolbar to the report designer workspace to expose the often-overlooked component alignment tools.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190812

Ignition Platform

14641: Skip corrective action on resource singleton / types folder when validating folder structure
Avoided an exception that could occur while saving project properties that contain an invalid folder structure on the local filesystem. The issue was reported as occurring after an upgrade, or when importing from 7.9.

13776: Tag browser drag/drop handling is not correct for type definitions
Refactored UDT drag/drop to allow moving items between folders and allow adding OPC tags to a folder under a UDT type.

14381: StackOverflowError when importing UDT definitions with circular inheritance
Fixed a stack overflow exception when importing UDT definitions that contain circular inheritance


14326: Allow textAlign for Button components
The Button Component has been refactored to be much more flexible, allowing for direct styling of both the button and the image, and control over the Button’s alignItems, and justifyContent flex properties.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190813

Ignition Platform

14574: Updated reporting toolbar icons
Updated the reporting workspace toolbar icons to better fit the “flatter” icon style in 8.0.

14680: Bump up max size of TagConfigurationRecord Config string field
Increased the max size of a tag configuration record in the internal database in order to support memory tags with large datasets.


11535: Adding zoom in keyboard shortcut to the Perspective view workspace
Made zooming in the Designer work consistently across all operating systems.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190814

Ignition Platform

14676: Fixes stack overflow when copying a tag folder multiple times
Fixed an issue where copying and pasting a tag folder multiple times caused the tag provider to lock up and not display properly in the designer.

14608: Disable runScript in gateway scope on Ignition Edge
Fixed a loophole on Edge where gateway scripting was possible by calling runScript() on an expression tag.

14686: Tag xml importer was failing when a tag value was a bound parameter
Fixed an issue where tag XML imports containing a UDT parameter for the tag’s value were failing when the binding was set up like “{bindType=parameter, binding={myParam}}” instead of “{myParam}”.

14286: UDT fails to update parent data type after tag restart
Fixed an issue where changes made to the Parent Data Type property on a UDT would not apply after restarting the UDT.


13815: Overuse of stale for initial quality causing undesirable effect in VIsion
Fixed an issue where initial quality on tag bindings was using “Unknown” instead of “InitialValue”, resulting in a red overlay when first opening the window.