Nightly Changelogs - 2019

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190816

Ignition Platform

14583: Fix openFiles multi-selection
Fixed an issue where system.file.openFiles was opening a dialog that only allowed single file selection.

13209: Add basic support for SVG images in the image manager
The Image Management system now supports SVG images.


14550: Time Series Chart: Invalid negative value error if xTrace.infoBox.showTime is set to false
Fixed an issue where the Time Series Chart would throw a benign error when xTrace.infoBox.showTime was set to false.

Serial Support

9344: replace serialio library with jSerialComm
Replaced the underlying library used by the Serial Support modules with jSerialComm.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190819

Ignition Platform

13464: Improve project title handling in Perspective
Made Perspective respect the Project Title property in sessions and on the gateway’s Perspective Session Launcher.


14754: Relax CA validation check
Relaxed the SSL Wizard’s CA cert validation in order to allow for non-conforming roots which make up about 10% of cacerts.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190820


14523: Adding onMouseClick, onMouseRelease to the power table
Added onMouseClick, and onMouseRelease scripting events to the Power Table.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190821

Ignition Platform

12160: OpenID UI refinements import button
Made UI improvements to the import process on the create/edit page for OpenId Identity Providers.

14313: Incorrect interaction between driven one-shot tag groups and OPC subsystem
Fixed an issue where switching tags from a leased tag group would cause additional unwanted polling in the OPC subsystem.


14650: Call BrowseNext if necessary while building DataTypeTree
Fixed a bug that lead to failed writes (Bad_TypeMismatch) for some subset of structured types in a server’s DataTypeDictionary.


14408: Adding an onUploadsCleared event when completed uploads are cleared
Added an onUploadsCleared component event to the File Upload component. The “event” payload contains an object with a “files” array. Each entry in the array is an object with “name” and “size” properties.


9565: Improve Security Settings panel UX
Made several small UX improvements to the Security Settings panel, in the interest of making the panel friendlier to newer users.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190822

Enterprise Administration

14773: Fixed a NPE when no modules are needed from a 7.9 agent
Fixed an exception that occurred when an 8.0 EAM controller would collect gateway backups from 7.x agents.


14605: Fixing selection behavior on an AreaChart
Fixed an issue where click-select would fail on the Time Series Chart if the area clicked is over a trend set to “area” type.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.4-b20190826

Ignition Platform

14758: UDT parameters with numerical names are not parsed correctly.
Fixed an issue where UDT parameters with numerical names were not parsed correctly when parameter names were numeric.

14781: UDT override tags with the same name but different folders were being overwritten during 7.x tag conversion
Fixed an issue where UDT member overrides were dropped if two tags under different folders within the UDT both had the same name, and both had overrides.

14778: Boolean memory tag values are now preserved during conversion
Fixed an issue where Boolean tags would be forced to a False value after upgrading to version 8 from version 7.

14031: Add property expression function to Perspective
Added a property() expression function to Perspective that allows dynamic, indirect property lookup. Similar in functionality to the tag() function, it takes a single string as an argument, and attempts to lookup the property value at the specified path.

13165: Tag Event Script initial Change behavior had changed from 7.9 to 8.0
Addressed an issue where the Tag Event Script “initial change” flag behaved differently than it did in 7.9.

14357: Invalidating webdev script cache for all projects in an update hierarchy
Fixed an issue where changes made to scripts in a parent project aren’t applied to the inherited script in the child project.

14693: Restarting a tag with history can cause multiple entries in the sqlth_te table
Fixed an issue where restarting tags can add multiple entries in the tag historian database tables.


14767: Fix deadlock during COM module shutdown
Fix a thread deadlock that could occur during when shutting down the OPC COM module.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.5-b20190903

The 8.0.4 RC will be available to download soon, and the 8.0.5 Nightly is now available here. Please see below for the changes.

Fixed in 8.0.4 RC:

Ignition Platform

14707: Notify user source when adding/removing user from Gateway script
Fixed an issue where system.user.removeUsers calls from Perspective would not immediately update the user listing on the Gateway’s web pages, making it seem like the call never went through.

14717: Avoid exception on removing final param from named query table when db set to
Fixed an issue where deleting the last parameter on a Named Query could cause the Designer to become unresponsive.

14825: Writing to parameters incorrectly sets value to fully qualified
Fixed an issue where writing a value to a UDT parameter from the Tag Browser would apply a qualified value object to the parameter, instead of just the value.

11047: Move Ignition’s built-in IdP into its own servlet context
Ignition IdPs now use their own servlet context.


14789: Implement createOrReplaceProject as a push when the project exists
Fixed an issue where overwriting a project via the EAM Send Project task would terminate any active Perspective Sessions for the project, instead of updating the sessions.

14624: Piped script errors and diag messages down to designer/console
Perspective scripting errors now appear in both the designer’s console, as well as use the designer’s popup error boxes.

12155: Add a way to print messages to the console from Perspective
Added a system.perspective.print() function to make scripting diagnostics easier. The function takes a string as the only argument, and will output the string to both the applicable console (designer or web browser)

Fixed in 8.0.5:

Ignition Platform

14799: Removed outdated http address check during redundancy settings check
Fixed an issue where changes made to the Redundancy Settings page on a redundant master gateway would needlessly force clients to reconnect.

10177: Implemented user lockout at the user source profile layer
Added User Lockout settings to User Sources. When enabled, multiple consecutive failed login attempts by a user will temporarily lock a user account, preventing further attempts until a configurable period of time.

14868: Sanitize tag paths containing angle bracket characters
Fixed an issue where importing nodes from the OPC Browser into a tag provider would fail if the node contained angled brackets.

14847: Parameters show definition, not current value in tag browser
Fixed an issue where parameter browse nodes in tag browse tree showed definition value instead of current value (in the case of bindings), and parameter nodes didn’t re-browse when parameters were added or removed.

14763: Avoid NPE if quality not set on Vision slider and min value > value
Fixed some rendering issues that could occur when setting the Minimum Value on Vision’s Slider component above the Value.


14654: Connect and startup expression for report file save action file name before executing
Fixed an issue where tag references in report schedule Action expressions were failing to return the tag value.


14774: Allow OPC UA connection browse origin to be configured
Added a Browse Origin property that allows the origin of UA browse requests to be configurable.

14525: Fix a timeout browsing exposed tag providers with a 7.9 remote
Fixed some browsing timeouts that could occur with remote 7.9 tag providers.

14837: fix bug causing reads for meta diagnostic tags to return null
Fixed a bug causing system.opc.readValue to return null values for some diagnostic tags.


14582: Modify DNP3 protocol for event timestamps
Fixed an issue where events were decoding timestamps improperly.

Omron Driver(s)

14648: Remove broken DateTime support, fix memory leak
Fixed an issue where attempts at reading DATE_AND_TIME tags failed silently, instead of returning an error message. These reads should now return Bad_ConfigError.


14401: Apply child position defaults on container children
Child position defaults are now applied on children of a container.

14487: Bring schema information into code editor(s)
Event information now appears in the docstring on Component Event scripts.

13172: Typeahead search support for Dropdown component
Added a search.searchParam property to the Dropdown component. This property can be used in conjunction with scripting to create a typeahead search.

14481: Add app bar settings to session and page properties
Added a session property (appBar.togglePosition) that can be used to set the app bar toggle to positions ‘left’, ‘right’, or ‘hidden’. Also added a page property (appBarVisible) that can be written to in order to directly display the app bar.

14132: Allow ComponentModal to force onscreen & updates to HorizontalMenu files
HorizontalMenu child menu items now always open down and to the right from the parent menu item that triggered their display. If they are opened within a popup, they will be rendered within the popup and force scrollbars.

If a HorizontalMenu lives inside of a dock, the menu will be brought out into a modal display so it and its child menu items can all scroll together until a selection is made.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.5-b20190904

Ignition Platform

14780: Parameter in alarm name not parsing correctly.
Fixed an issue where UDT parameter references in alarm names did not parse correctly when surrounded by other text.


14866: Fix dropdown option search with null value
Fixed an issue on the dropdown caused by setting value to ‘null’ while the ‘allowCustomOptions’ property was true.

14695: Serialize nulls in NodeEditor Gson constructor
Updated the copy action in the JSON Editor in the designer to also copy attributes with null values.

14247, 14246:Add project awareness to scripting functions when called from Perspective
Updated several system functions to be project-aware when called from Perspective, meaning the “project” parameter is now optional. The following functions were updated:

14542: Implemented property access settings in Perspective
Added new access modes on properties to help hide information from the browser and prevent browser edits for sensitive properties. Possible settings are:
Public - properties work the same as they always did. This is the default option.
Protected - Write attempts from the browser to this property are ignored (i.e., ‘read-only’)
Private - No reading or writing from the browser. The property is effectively hidden from the browser.
System - The property is updated by the system.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.5-b20190905

Ignition Platform

14656: Password reset page
The built-in password reset page (for Internal User Sources) has been restyled.

14816: Fix quarantine data counts on S+F overview
Fixed a bug where the quarantined data counts on the Gateway’s Store & Forward overview page where incorrectly counting non-quarantined stores.


12707, 14530, 14854: Assorted binding & json editor fixes

  • Renaming an object or array property will now migrate deep bindings to the new name
  • Removing an item from an array will now migrate bindings on subsequent items to their new index.
  • Fixed a bug where alterations to objects that contained datasets could turn the datasets into strings.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.5-b20190906

14864: Multilined tooltips now have drop shadows
Added drop shadows to multi-line tooltips in the Designer.

14764: Updated Perspective Container Component Icons
Updated Perspective Container Component Icons with a slightly different design.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.5-b20190909

Ignition Platform

14853: Alarm manager was attempting to post alarm data to redundancy manager before it was actually running
Tags wouldn’t load on a redundant system on startup due to this error: Unknown runtime state provider ‘alarm_system

14521: Added another check to ensure that a redundant sync request won’t get lost
Alarms shelved on a redundant backup were not maintaining their shelved status after fail-over back to the master.

10051: Updated context menu icons
Updated Vision Project Browser right-click menu icons.

14578: Taking into account the [global] project when importing templates
Fixed an issue where importing from a 7.9 Project backup containing “Shared Templates” would place the templates at the root of the templates section, as opposed to the “SharedTemplates” folder.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.5-b20190910

Ignition Platform

14405: Implement basic badge-based authentication support
Added RFID login support to the Ignition Identity Provider. Please see this link for additional information.


14950: Markdown component displays “label” until binding provides first value
Changed the default value of the Markdown component’s source property from “label” to “Welcome to Markdown”.

13432: Add Bluetooth functionality to communicate with nearby devices
Added a new Bluetooth Session Event and configuration session props to support scanning and filtering Bluetooth Lower Energy beacons. Requires the Perspective App (v.90+).

14777: Barcode Scanner Input Style
The default style of the Barcode Scanner Input has been updated. In addition the Barcode Scanner Input component may be styled through its prop.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.5-b20190912

Ignition Platform

14883: Incorrect subscription shutdown logic on tags
Made slight modifications to the subscription shutdown logic on tags, making the process slightly more efficient.

14940: Basic support for project update script
Added a new type of Gateway Event Script: Project Update. The event triggers after a project is updated, which can act as a post-save hook, allowing a script to execute after saving/updating a project.

14071: Allowing individual menu item styling for the menu components
Added an additional “style” property to the Menutree component at the menu item level, so that individual menu items can be styled independently of other items.

14447: Add styling properties to items on the Horizontal Menu component
Added an “itemStyle” property to the Horizontal Menu component, which applies styles to all menu items. Additionally, added a “style” property at the menu item level so that individual menu items can be styled uniquely.


14613: Use the endpoint URL provided by getEndpoints()
Fixed an issue where the Discovery Wizard would fail if the endpoint URL differs from the discovery URL.


14952: Amcharts Pie Chart no longer ignores colors after upgrade to 4.5.8
Fixed an issue where colors specified on the Perspective Pie Chart component would ignore the colors configured in its props.

12572, 14856: Show all components in Perspective Tag Drop prop config
Perspective’s Tag Drop interface will now enable the Bidirectional setting by default when adding Input Components under the “Component Bindings Configuration” table.

14856: Components missing from Perspective Tag Drop config
Perspective’s Component Binding Configuration (under Project Properties) was missing some commonly used components.

13826 :Perspective date datatype + dataset editor UI
Dates on component properties are now represented as dates in Perspective’s property model, instead of numbers.

12610:Perspective Dataset Viewer
Dataset properties now have a dedicated viewer/editor, accessible from Perspective’s Property Editor.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.5-b20190913

Ignition Platform

14383: Tag Status Page Needs Corrected Links
Fixed an outdated “Relatime Configuration” link located on the Gateway’s Tag Status page. The link should now correctly lead to the Realtime Tag configuration page.


The following enhancements have been made to the Time Series Chart and Brushed Time Selector components

14703: Add UI to show the chart is panned or zoomed
The Time Series Chart now has an icon in the top/right corner when the chart is zoomed in to any level past its base time range (1x zoom). Clicking on this icon will return the chart to its base time range. Milestone: Ignition 8.0.5

14704: Do not allow pan/zoom to exceed the time boundaries of the series data
Both the Time Series Chart and the Chart Range Selector cannot be zoomed out past their standard level of zoom. Previously, these charts could be zoomed out indefinitely showing white space on either side of the charted data.

14690: Maintain zoom while polling
The Time Series Chart will not refresh its time range if it is zoomed in. Previously, polling data would refresh the chart and bring the zoom back out to the base time range (1x). This was cumbersome if you wanted to zoom in closely to scrutinize data.

14818: Allow pan/zoom to be disabled
Both the Time Series and Chart Range Selector have their enablePanZoom properties exposed as component properties so that a user can disable pan zoom behavior if they choose. This property is set to true by default.

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.5-b20190923

Ignition Platform

14968: Fix a race condition in OPC read-after-write
Fixed an OPC read-after-write race condition where it was possible for a read value to be older than a value supplied by subscription.

14955: Prevent the expression property from becoming a binding when overriding in a UDT
Fixed an issue where tag expressions could accidentally be turned into a binding by overriding the value in a UDT instance, which caused the original expression to no longer function.

14976: Badge is now set when adding a new user
Fixed an issue where RFID badge configuration was not set when adding a new user from the Gateway’s Config Web Interface.

14791: Fixes to handle a master redundant node gateway rename.
Fixed an issue where renaming a redundant Master Gateway was causing the backup’s Gateway Network Connection to go down, and was also causing clients connected to the Master to temporarily disconnect and reconnect.

14673: A redundant master will now send approved gateway network certs to the backup
A redundant master will now send approved gateway network certificates to the backup. Certificate denial and delete requests are also now sent to the backup.

14959: Set authentication methods on Ignition IdP token
Logging in to Ignition’s IdP will now set the authentication method (such as “badge” or “pwd”) to the “amr” attribute, allowing Security Levels to be granted based on how the user authenticated.

14813: Check for circular UDT inheritance during legacy tag conversion
Prevented a StackOverflowError that could occur during legacy tag conversion (7.# to 8.0+) in cases where UDT definitions contain circular inheritance.


13460: Allow columns in Table component to be invisible, but still make their data available via view params and selection.
Added a “visible” property to columns on the Perspective Table component. When disabled, the column we become hidden, but the underlying data is still accessible via view params and scripting.


14682: Avoid index out of bounds in reporting data sources tables when deleting last row
Prevented an IllegalArgumentException that could occur when deleting the last row under the “Selected Historical Tags” table on both Tag Historian Query and Tag Calculation Query data sources.


8226: Fall back on openWindow when system.nav.openWindowInstance is called in the Designer
When calling system.nav.openWindowInstance in the Designer while the targeted window is already open, the function now swaps to the opened window and passes parameters properly. A warning will still be thrown, stating why a new instance wasn’t opened.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.5-b20190924

Ignition Platform

14891: Fix UDT import + rename
UDT types imported with the Rename collision policy would add child tags to an existing UDT with the same name instead of the new UDT.

14784: UDT parameters are now merged instead of overwritten
Fixed an issue where the system.tag.editTag() script function was setting all other UDT parameters back to their default values when adding or modifying a UDT parameter.

14635: UDT Error Indicator
Updated error indication in the Tag Editor to better illustrate invalid UDT inheritance. The indication will appear in cases where the Parent Data Type references non-existent UDTs, or when there is circular inheritance.

14080: Add Oracle support to SECS/GEM module
SECS/GEM module can now be used with an Oracle database for equipment connections.


15034: Log warning instead of throwing when DataTypeTree browse fails
Made failed OPC UA DataTypeTree browsing attempts log a warning, instead of throwing an exception.


14702: Add simple UDT type cache to the client tag manager to avoid slow performance
Made some changes to how UDT Definition caching worked, specifically with the intent to improve performance in Vision windows that contained many UDT bindings.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.5-b20190925

Ignition Platform

14988: Now trapping and logging any exceptions that occurs when loading a tag group
Prevent Tag Group startup failure in cases where the provider contains a Tag Group that has an invalid name; e.g., using an empty string as the name.


14022: New Perspective Favicons
Reduced the file size of Perspective’s Favicons.

14701: Tree component onItemClicked & schema enhancements
Fixed a bug where the onItemClicked extension function on the tree component was not firing.

11583: Component Resize and Movement Undo
Resize and movement of Perspective components are now placed onto the Designer’s undo stack, allowing for undo and redo through keyboard shortcuts and/or buttons.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.5-b20190926

Ignition Platform

14448: Parameter names that clash with alarm property and tag property names are resolved incorrectly
Fixed an issue where tag properties in alarm bound expressions were unable to resolve.

15045: Add the ability to create new projects on Exchange import and deal with Module/Platform version mismatches
Added the ability to create a new Project from within the Ignition Exchange Import Wizard - to be used as a target project for importing.

14882: Avoid NPE on bad response in DNP3 scripting functions
The DNP3 driver now guards against NullPointerExceptions in cases where a response isn’t received during scripting (binary and analog points)

14658: UDT parameters that shadow tag props don’t propagate value changes correctly
Fixed a bug where UDT parameters that share a name with a tag property (such as “TagGroup”) wouldn’t trigger value changes updates in member bindings (e.g., property on a member tag bound to a UDT parameter) correctly when the value of the UDT parameter changed.


14985: PieChart should make use of example and not default in schema
Corrected an issue where the Perspective Pie Chart component would attempt to merge default data with user configured data, which could potentially add unintended wedges.

14681: Fix Perspective Carousel memory issues
Fixed memory leaks in both the Carousel and Pie Chart components. Made additional improvements to the Pie Chart, including the ability to bend labels around chart slices and wrap long labels.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.5-b20190927

Allen-Bradley Drivers

15067: Fixed a silent NPE after an error browsing template instance
Fixed a bug that left tags in bad quality and the driver to stop polling after encountering a missing template browsing v32 firmware.


14557: Fix installer warning message about WebDev/Web Browser not being updated on upgrade
Installer no longer incorrectly warns about not upgrading the Web Browser and Web Dev modules.

Ignition Platform

15001: Access Denied when trying to edit MQTT tags with system.tag.configure
Editing MQTT tags through scripting not longer results in an Access Denied response.

14953: Import 7.9 tag parameters as class type String
When importing tags from a 7.9 export, the legacy conversion process will now convert all parameters to strings, to prevent any conversion exceptions that could potentially occur.

15032: Add property value back into OPC group item evaluation
Fixed an issue where Transaction Group items would only return the value of an item, regardless of what the Value Mode selection was set to.

13203: Better script wrappers for PropertyTrees
Improved the functionality of property tree related scripting objects, making them act more like Python lists and dictionaries.

14967: Do not include array element in tag path when attempting to retrieve tag info
Vision’s Tag Binding config editor window no longer throws a NullPointerException when manually binding array elements.


14943: TabContainer FlexRepeater Issue
The contents of a tab in the Tab Container will no longer overflow outside of the component under certain circumstances.

14956: Fix infinite execution loop caused by failing to mark all references clean when encountering a bad indirect tag binding reference
Fixed an issue where Invalid indirect tag binding references would generate high CPU usage.

14070: Fire model events only when page is connected to prevent queued tasks from executing, diff alarm table json to improve client side performance
Fixed an issue on the Perspective Alarm Status Table where the component continued to poll alarm data after the session was closed. Additionally, improved client side performance by updating data only when changes are present, and not every polling interval.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.5-b20190930

Ignition Platform

14443: Expression tag upgrade isn’t setting Execution Mode to Tag Group
Expression and query tags now have their execution mode set to Tag Group on upgrade/import to 8 to match their 7.x behavior.

14962: Returning Bad_NotFound when reading from non-existent tag provider
Attempting to interact with non-existent tag providers from a script should now return “Not Found”, instead of other quality codes.


14562: Updated border color for recently modified views
Updated the border color on the “Recently Modified Views” entries on Perspective’s home area.

Ignition Edge

15095: Update Vision module id for EdgePlugin
Edge gateways no longer incorrectly show the Panel plugin as missing when it is actually installed.

Tag Historian

15049: Fixed tag history ignoring the deadband setting and storing history for every tag change.
Made historical memory tags use the historical deadband setting when in discrete mode.