Nightly Changelogs - 2019

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.5-b20190910

Ignition Platform

14405: Implement basic badge-based authentication support
Added RFID login support to the Ignition Identity Provider. Please see this link for additional information.


14950: Markdown component displays “label” until binding provides first value
Changed the default value of the Markdown component’s source property from “label” to “Welcome to Markdown”.

13432: Add Bluetooth functionality to communicate with nearby devices
Added a new Bluetooth Session Event and configuration session props to support scanning and filtering Bluetooth Lower Energy beacons. Requires the Perspective App (v.90+).

14777: Barcode Scanner Input Style
The default style of the Barcode Scanner Input has been updated. In addition the Barcode Scanner Input component may be styled through its prop.