Nightly Changelogs - 2019

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190215

Ignition Platform

12775: Entire opc subscription shut down when any tag is unsubscribed

12583: Check another mime type on import for Windows

12339 sanitize SortableTable.jsx cells if the cell just contains a string

12613: Recurse type definitions in multi-instance wizard, type editor

12605: Use the empty singleton name pattern when importing into the designer

12530: Tags aren’t respecting redundancy levels
Added redundancy checks into the tag execution system, blocking most value change based operations when not active. Put special logic in the opc actor factory to manage subscriptions.

12547: Default documentation to null to avoid signature mismatch

12670: Check designer permissions on push


Milo NodeManager update

Configure UsernameProvider with the client’s CertificateValidator

12713: Improve openURL browser fallback on Linux


11516: Updated property transient icon

12651: History binding doesn’t return tag path when return format is set to Tall
Also fixes Calculations query in Perspective (and anywhere that might accidentally set the wrong return size)

12720: Tag history ui deletions


12551: Prevent NPE if (Vision) dropdown is bound to empty dataset

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190219

Ignition Platform

12657: Check to see if a project is in memory before firing a project added in BaseProjectManager

12763: Gateway UI Improvements: Spacing, perma-links, etc.

12775: Entire opc subscription shut down when any tag is unsubscribed


Gateway Page Title/Breadcrumb Consolidation
All page titles should now be displayed in the breadcrumb bar, with a couple exceptions (Config Overview).

Fix target NodeClass when building parent references


12758: check if request is null before posting to request cycle


12744: Value axis responds to min and max ranges of 0

12468: iOS native app loses session when multitasking
Change default page timeout to 10 minutes. Allows more time for Page to remain disconnected. Helps mobile clients keep state (auth) when users are switching between apps or sleeping device.

12716: dropdown component gets portal destination after mount

12732: Fix redirect after login/logout if project name is non-ASCII

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190220

Ignition Platform

11898: Fix missing intellihint


12635: Users are no longer able to delete wrong component from project browser
12793: Add duplicate name check to custom scripts and msg handlers


12738: Adding a null check for the resourcePath while crawling parent containers in the loadTemplate method
12728, 11940: Updated icons for reporting

Ignition Platform

12501: Revert designer -> gateway comm error logging to debug
12640 GW UI polish
12819: Removed unused test harness code that was tripping up sonar
12669: New tag folder no longer gets created after you click cancel.
12730: Fix wicket errors in EAM license details page
12784: Fix tag provider getting set to null on Edge
12798 Add user tag delete option for managed tag providers
12785: Stop Edge notification config page from throwing exception on view


Change property tree readDatasetTypes to plain readDataset

Table fixes and updates

  • Custom component event for cell editing
  • PropertyTree readDatasetTypes for better auto render detection. Don’t need the data of the dataset, just the defined types
  • Pager data updates if the length of processed data changes
  • Add boolean to auto render detection
  • Add column config string render mode
  • Valid dates now apply formatting

12204: Perspective password field

Use Int.MAX_VALUE as default array and String encoding limits
There’s no need to worry about actually decoding an array or String this size because the max message size is significantly smaller. This way we don’t have to guess about what the right default size may be.


11445: component selection boxes should update correctly when switching from preview mode
12790: Revive Recently Modified Views
12718: Fixed bug in saving custom scripts on views


12824: Avoid retrieving windowInfo for wrong resource

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190222

Ignition Platform

11450: Updated shared dock UI

12802: Another fix for null values coming back from routes

12843: Fix open project screen not closing

12701: Change spammy loggers to trace

12772: Altering security level policies and user attribute mappers no longer blindly logs out all users
Altering security level policies and user attribute mappers no longer blindly logs out all users in a session associated with the changed IdP.

12637: Tag export shows success dialog even if cancelled
Only show tag export finished if successfully exported


12557: Add license for Perspective

11728: Require ID for toggle action to fire

12805: Add Disable Keyboard option
Change search config enabled to match meta name ‘enable’.
Search enable was never getting turned off because meta name didn’t match config name. By default when search is disabled the mobile keyboards will also be disabled.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190226

Ignition Platform

12512: Encode resources as JSON for transfer

11800: Tag Performance graphs now populating
Added stat metrics to the client tag subscription manager and gateway tag interface for value change and polling respectively.

12589: Disable config ui backup gw

11477: Have default popup window pack content before displaying

11822: Add UDT Instance List Is Now In Alphabetical Order


Fix broken launcher builds with new gradle ssh plugin version

Notify ProjectResourceListener and ProjectLifecycle of manifest changes


12622: Serializing and throttling calls to the handleAction function for the MenuTree component

12712: Made format transform locale display names more descriptive

12623: Standardize icons for parameters, functions, expressions, properties

12827: Project Information Now Shows Correct Last Modification Info

11548: Error popover defaults to bottom of component if no room
Have error popover default to displaying on bottom instead of showing nothing. Content will overflow allowing users to see the error overlay by scrolling.

11662: remove demo custom component event on label component


12866: Fix Vision window icon scale

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190227


8105: Add explicit connect in Dnp3 driver, use protocol updated with channelFsm

Ignition Platform

12521 script output with unicode now displays correctly
ScriptManager and JythonConsole now explicitly set their stdOut and stdErr to a PyFile which wraps their actual outputs with the encoding set to utf-8.

12633: Stackoverflow when placing instance of UDT in UDT definition

12859: Old UDT icon is displayed when setting up Custom Properties in Vision
Updated to use new icons

12746: Security Level Delete Bug
Deletion of security levels whose parent’s parent is “Public” no longer causes the page to be unresponsive.

12552: Disable tag group editor ok button when in an inner custom editor

11060: Added project templates back to the create project dialog



12723: Tag History Binding UI Aggregation Mode no longer loses dropdown

10708: Add tooltip for refresh button

12778: Block container/deep selection while ctrl+click multi-selecting

12538: Fix indirect tag binding references

12845: Add npe check for selectionPath in


12895: Fix report rbi element parsing


12703: Handle case where no default tag provider is set on the project more gracefully

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190228

Ignition Platform

12924: Set deprecated fields invisible

9794: Add transation for 'Save as XLS’

10358: Add sentDate to email headers

12739: Allowing dual state badges and updated iconography
Badge iconography updated and an "inverse" (selected) state is now applied to the badges when the row that they belong to is selected.

12830: Remove deprecated web launch and applet related settings/files

12810: jsonValues Tag Function Does Not Like DateTime or Dataset DataTypes
Add Document support for Dataset and Date

12243: Event driven query tag remains bad after gateway restarted

11936: Query tag not updated with new data when datasource property is changed

12909: Import during script manager initialization

12060 FowardPort: JVM escape hatch for launchers

12838: Move script management into an actual ProjectLifecycle/Factory
Also fixes 11713, 12887, 12884


Use event-based reporting instead of sampling in ExposedTagsNamespace


12698 Numeric Input tooltip
Hovering over a Numeric Entry Field will no longer generate a console error due to missing “tooltip” property. Numeric Entry Field’s “tooltip” property has also been renamed to “tooltipText” to be consistent with XYChart and MultiStateButton components’ tooltip.

12764: All traffic now redirected from http to https when the use ssl gateway system prop flag is enabled

12379: Set all tag binding types to null/uncertain value on startup

11353 Flex Box Overflowing
Flex Containers will now have a default overflow style of auto, preventing components contained from wrapping outside flex container boundaries.


12518: Fix RPC handler issues with SQL Bridge workspace


12736: Fix memory leak when setting new tabData Dataset

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190301

Ignition Platform

12916: Fix tag editor not committing changes differing only by case

12807 & 12940: Commit open resource before setting protected or override flag

12914: Account for inherited resources in the Designer transaction group editor

12350: Attempt to cap designer height resize between high dpi monitors

12745 & 12875: Fix issues with designer permissions settings
Specifically, 1. allow resources to be ‘un-protected’, 2. prevent deletion from the gateway projects interface if project has ‘delete’ permissions specified, and 3. prevent opening a project if user does not have appropriate ‘view’ permissions

12722: EAM send project and resources implementation for 8.0
EAM Send Project task and Send Project Resources task were not functional. In addition, the tasks can now send any project resource.

12915 Organize tag loggers into more understandable scheme

12855: project system should honor "startup disabled" setting


10711 Designer - Perspective Style & Class selector tool alignment
Class and Style popup editor will now open to the right of the button when there is not enough room on the screen to display it on the left.

12600: Add thumbnail to perspective project props and gateway project listing

12925: Fix NPE with bound perspective session props + script transform

12652 Set a flex value for inner carousel style
Perspective Carousel component will now correctly display its contents for users of the previous version of Microsoft Edge browser (Windows 10 1803 - Edge 42.X).

12661 Prevented json editors from getting into duplicate key state

12759: Vertical Slider Scrolls View During Interaction on iOS
Prevent default on touchMoves from Slider

12910: Defend against cases where a view config cannot be fetched from the bridge on save

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190304

Ignition Platform

12640 Status -> OPC Connections Polish

12962: Expose UA buffer size setting on tag group

10869: Implement SAML IdP Type

12892: Updating Gateway user name requirements error message

12676: Implement redundancy module sync
Modules are now synchronized between redundant master and backup

12675: Modify how designer handles reconnect with a redundant cluster
Designer constantly threw errors when the redundant master gateway was inactive or was down.


Set MinimumSamplingInterval attribute to 250.0 on simulator nodes


12956: Defend against bad perspective resource data

12891: Fixed key editor throwing npe on focus lost

10966: NPE when editing property key and clicking designer view


12514: Fix duplication of TxnGroup name on status page

12912: Fix group scheduling/execution problems


12939: Remove frame decoration so error dialogs work in Vision client

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190305

Ignition Platform

12977 Increased the default tooltip dismiss delay to 30sec

12849: Adjusted locking in redundancy sync manager to avoid deadlock.


12970: fix simulator device reads not returning animated values
Using OPC read mode for Ignition tags against simulated devices was only returning value 0


12894: Avoid expression structure binding mutation by client using deepCopy

10710: Default top level view params to persistent on creation

12961: Making event type generic for browser compatibility

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190307

Ignition Platform

12901: Alarm Status Table alarmEvent.get() no longer returns error

12658: Tag documentation metadata property doesn’t save changes
Allow changes between tag doc panel and metadata properties

12597: Handle tag group rate set to 0
OPC tags under a tag group were executing at full speed in driven/leased mode if the rate was set to 0 or the leased/driven rate was set to 0. Now the tags will not execute at all if the corresponding rate is set to 0.

12945: Fix bug when restarting modules
Add option for lifecycle factories to restart parts of their lifecycles when modules are restarted.

12587: Use the backup’s project manifest when syncing projects

12896: Indirect binding section header text are grey color which is inconsistent with other binding screens (Vision)

12944: Fix NPE when no script project specified

12981: Fix for JX Browser exceptions


12885: Always set bad quality when a read request fails


12841: Session.props.gateway.address Contains Local Session IP Instead Of Gateway IP

10948: Update buttons to design and be theme compatible across browsers
This includes additional fixes for FB12226 and FB12541

12923: Initializing component model with default meta props

10716: Tag Editor Still Displays Vision Client Tags When Attempting To Bind Alarm Properties

12941: Readjusting function binding for browsers that don’t recognize the event object

10743 Make Designer Perspective CTRL Deselect work
Designer Perspective - CTRL + Click can now be used to deselect components.

12718: Prevent configuring scripts and message handlers on views

12626, 12863, 12864: Find/Replace bugs

  • Removed dependency on requiring a tag to exist when changing binding’s tag. Solves issue where changing a tag name and binding using that tag at the same time doesn’t rely on the tag name changing first.
  • Tags will now show up in Find/Replace
  • Support UDTProperty changes


11394: Dragging/Dropping UDT adds UDT parameters to the Items being monitored.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190308

Ignition Platform

12875: Fix protected resource editing/designer permissions


Gateway UI responsive design and edge theme application
Fixes 12740, 12761, and 12742


12982: Changing warning log that happens with every new project to debug

10710: Refined default property persistence behavior to include custom properties

Tag Historian

12868: Tag History binding returning t_stamp for tag path column name
Also fixes 7316: Column Name (alias) tag history property not working in Tall format

12951 GW Add ids everywhere, fix console errors
Numerous JavaScript errors across the Gateway have been fixed.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190309

Ignition Platform

13014 "Save All" vs "Save…" actions implemented

10881: Cannot edit remote tags

12513: Add predictable ordering for Perspective ViewConfig and SessionProps resources


12946: Make Radio Group more defensive about bad config

11336: Bordered coord containers place children more correctly
Coordinate container borders should no longer result in odd movements/sizing when editing views in the designer

12897: Small UI fixes

12607: Tag History Data Isn’t Returning After Designer Disconnect
Tag history data now returns correctly

12886: Popup Action UI Is Cut Off

12795: Popup Title Bars Should Not Be Required

13037: Making TouchEvent type declarations generic for browser support


12228: Change vision diagnostics panel verbage to not use 'session’

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190312

Ignition Platform

13022: If manifest changed, maybe restart script configs

11099: Update Tag Group Editor UI

12597: Fixed bug with tag group direct mode and switching opc data mode
OPC tags under a tag group were executing at full speed in driven/leased mode if the rate was set to 0 or the leased/driven rate was set to 0. Now the tags will not execute at all if the corresponding rate is set to 0.

12907: Unable to Upgrade Tags from 7.6.7 or Earlier Versions
Tags from 7.6.7 or earlier failed to convert upon upgrade to 8.0.


11697 & 12960: Relax type checking/constraints in expressions

10648: differentiate between a property not found, and invalid property path syntax
Designer - Perspective property binding will now differentiate between a path with InvalidPathSyntax, and property NotFound errors.

12997: Add Query Mode dropdown to Calculations return format in Perspective tag history binding menu

13010: UI updates to the recent views tiles

12949 & 11845: Fixed various automatic incremented name goofs

13012: Views with flex root now start in column orientation

12929: Fixed race condition when switching views after refresh

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190313

Ignition Platform

13056: Make Wicket’s Multi File Uploader styling presentable.

12832: Failed resource deserialization doesn’t fault gateway


11996: Perspective client geolocation accuracy enum

Enterprise Administration

12292: indicate commissioning needed after remote upgrades
Now displays if commissioning is needed on agent gateways after remote upgrade


11767: Updated OPC-COM module id used in tunneller module
OPC-COM Tunneller was unable to display any OPC tags via OPC-UA

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190314

Ignition Platform

13112: Replace LookupFunction#setType to fix deserialization error

12955, 12932 Leased mode issues, NPE on tag delete

13053: Circular Dependency Error When Composite UDT Uses 2 Instances Of Same UDT


12867: Returning just the view json data instead of the thumbnail when getting view json

12983: iOS mobile client loses sync and doesn’t update on reconnect from lock screen

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190315

Ignition Platform

12862: Tag group and raw tag editors no longer modal


Hide Perspective Debug Action by default


12836: add ClassAdapter for LazilyParsedNumber in Jython scripts

13124: Fix NPE on initial view property configuration or customization

13074: Modified redundancy redirect to handle gateways without a specified port
Perspective clients now handle redundancy failover when gateways are running on default port 80

12276: Updated UI for security settings popup

11324: Multilined tooltips
Added support for multi-lined tooltips.

Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190316

Ignition Platform

12677, 13135, 13142 - Launcher fixes, QOL improvements

11655 Supplemental Commissioning Step Support

12733: Move protect resource permission check off the EDT
Also resolves 13107


13168: add rowData view param to cells configured a views
For the Perspective Table, view params for cells configured as views now include a rowData property which contains the entire rows data.

12779: Map feature requests

  • Performance updates, no more unnecessary flashing
  • Ability to use views inside of tooltips and popups
  • Ability to control popup enabled state via props, stays in sync
  • Addition of a view layer to ui layers
  • Addition of onMarkerClick custom component event ({name: string; lat: number; lng: number; })
  • Addition of onMapClick custom component event ({ lat: number; lng: number; })
  • Ability to change color of markers

13084 Tree Component: observablemap.keys() returns an iterator when we need an array
Perspective Tree Component tree nodes are once again selectable.


13091: Sending a push notification to vision clients when a projects parent is updated/deleted

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Nightly Changelog: 8.0.0- beta.20190319

Ignition Platform

13048: Catch a project pull exception and show dialog on project inheritance change in Designer

13138: Permanent gateway internal errors until gateway is restarted again
Gateway web pages could fail to load and become stuck on "Internal error" if gateway page was reloaded in web browser during gateway restart.

12004: Added launcher icon to download page


13088: Enhance AbstractUIElementStore property interpolation to handle arrays and objects
Perspective scripting params which resolve to arrays or objects will no longer be type coerced to strings if they are the only part of the parameter.

"{/root/Label.custom.my_array}" will be an array if my_array is an array
"{/root/Label.custom.my_array}some text" will attempt combine the two, resulting in just "some text" if my_array is an array

13061, 13073: Expand a Docked Panel by ID using scripts
Honor the id parameter when using the scripting openDock function.

13050: Changed buttons to use background color instead of image gradient