Buenas noches a todos, soy principiante y acabo de instalar el Software de Scada Ignition version 8.1.29 (b2023070609), he visto tutoriales de instalacion y todo eso.
Pero al querer agregar un nuevo dispositivo, hago click en donde corresponde y nada, no me aparece un listado de drivers y por tanto no puedo agregar nada.
Good evening everyone, I am a beginner and I have just installed the Scada Ignition Software version 8.1.29 (b2023070609), I have seen installation tutorials and all that.
But when I want to add a new device, I click where it corresponds and nothing, a list of drivers does not appear and therefore I cannot add anything.
What I can do?
Thank you.
Did you install the drivers/modules you're after when you installed ignition?