No session found


A few minutes ago I was bindind some components when I got an error. I tried to restart Ignition and now I recieve this:

[code]Exception: Error running query:
Function binding query [Alert History]@5000ms
On: Historico.Root
caused by GatewayException: com.inductiveautomation.ignition.client.gateway_interface.GatewayException: No session found. You must re-login. (message type=199, func=Alert.queryHistory)
caused by BindingException: com.inductiveautomation.ignition.client.gateway_interface.GatewayException: No session found. You must re-login. (message type=199, func=Alert.queryHistory)
caused by GatewayException: No session found. You must re-login. (message type=199, func=Alert.queryHistory)

Ignition v7.3.2 (b533)
Java: Sun Microsystems Inc. 1.6.0_29

Can somebody tell me how i can fix this problem?


Have you tried restarting again? Does it happen every time you open a designer?

Yes, I tried restarting the gateway and It happens even if i’m not using the designer

Well, I see you are using Java 6 Update 29. There are some problems with that version of Java (first one we have run across). Maybe you should try downgrading on the client machine to Java 6 Update 27. See if that fixes the issue.

Update 30 fixed the main problem with SQLServer. Maybe it fixed this one too?

I don’t think that the problem in this thread has anything to do with Java 6u29. That said, I don’t understand exactly what’s going on here. Is this in the client? designer? what’s being restarted?

I solved the problem restarting the client. Apparently it’s a Java problem