Node-RED Module

I’m attempting to set up an API Key with the Ignition Node-RED module, but am getting an error that the license is invalid.

I can’t tell if this is saying that

(a) I can’t use this module with Ignition Edge unless I have an Ignition Edge license (and am not just using the free trial)


(b) I can’t use this module with Ignition Edge because the module license itself is invalid.

Has anyone else come across this?

You can't use the module with Ignition Edge because Edge doesn't allow you to use any custom/thirdparty modules.

Aw that's unfortunate, okay.

In that case, is there another way to pass tags from Node Red to Ignition Edge?

I'm pretty sure Node Red can do both MQTT/Sparkplug and OPC UA, so those might be worth exploring.

It also depends what "direction" you're talking about - you might make HTTP calls from Ignition to Node Red to pass data as well.

Could you elaborate on that second point a little more?

What I'm trying to do seems pretty straightforward. I'm reading a serial string from an RS-232 device in Node-RED, parsing that string with a function node and storing 3 values from the string in 3 different properties of the msg object. Then I want to pass those 3 properties as tags to Ignition Edge to use in Designer. So I'm really only worried about the "direction" FROM Node-Red TO Ignition Edge.

Apologies if my terminology is a little off, I'm still learning.

I've never actually used Node Red, so my suggestions are based on superficial knowledge I gained from Google...

It looks like Node Red has an OPC UA server module / feature you can add to it some how. You could probably expose these message properties via the server, then make an OPC UA connection from Ignition to Node Red.

Node Red also supports MQTT, and you could publish those properties to an MQTT broker, and receive them in Ignition using the MQTT modules. The MQTT modules should be a part of at least one of the Edge editions.

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As kevin pointed out Node-Red does have a OPC Server node.

There is a stripped down version of the server but the above gives you more features to expand later on and it has more examples for you to follow.

You could also use MQTT

I've used both methods, For what you are doing, its down to which road you think will be easier. I think MQTT may need a little bit more set up in ignition, Vs telling ignition what IP address to discover the OPC server. This is assuming your node red device is on the same network as ignition. If not, use MQTT.

What about TCP module? I guess Edge may support TCP module of Ignition which can be used to communicate with Node Red. But I guess OPC UA is built in module so it may be better approach.