Not able to browse tags from ControlLogix

Hi everyone.
I need help please, i am trying to access a ControlLogix PLC from Ignition 8.1. i have the set the correct Ip adress and port , i have the connection status "connected" . Enabled status 'True'.
but the PLC doesnt show up in the designer even after the refresh and also no PLC in the OPC quick errors in the LOG file .
-i rebooted the gatway and n change .
-all the tags in the PLC are set to External read/write.

Please help. Thank you.

You would need to confirm to us that the IP address is correct and that the CPU slot number is correct.

Tip: use '- ' or '* ' (with a space after the hypen) for a bulleted list item. (Pressing the list item button would do this for you and reveal the markdown syntax.)

Probably don't want to advertise your controller IP to the world. And on top of that, this doesn't confirm that the IP is the correct one.

What series of ControlLogix processor, what firmware version.

Also, if this is important and needs to have a quick solution, you should contact support, they are the best option for this type of issue.

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Make sure the OPC-UA server is enabled and connected in the OPC Connections tab. Possible it got disabled on a gateway restore?

And you need to check if the CPU is actually in slot 0.

Yes, wrong slot or connection path is the most common cause of this.

  • List item

The cntroller is : 1756-L84 firmeware 32.014.
The processor Slot is [0].
I am able to ping the processor with no problem.
As you can see the connection is established.

Thank you for your help .

Try setting these loggers to DEBUG level and then edit/save the device connection and upload the logs here.

You need to do the edit/save and then upload the full logs.

Looks like it's browsing just fine...

D [d.L.L.LogixBrowse             ] [18:04:43]: Browsed 5142 symbols in 416ms. device-name=PLC UNL2/3
D [d.L.L.LogixBrowse             ] [18:04:43]: Browsed 105 templates in 261ms. device-name=PLC UNL2/3

The "not connected" errors are from another device you have named "PLC UNL2/3 SLOT 2", where this one is just "PLC UNL2/3".

Where are you looking for these tags? Can you get a screenshot of this device expanded in the OPC Quick Client, and make sure it's this one and not the error one?

Hi Kevin , i deleted this test device "PLC UNL2/3 SLOT 2" i have now just one device named "PLC UNL2/3" and as you can see from the quick client i only have the KEPserver available.

Ok, so your "loopback" OPC UA connection to Ignition's OPC UA server is not enabled or is faulted for some reason.

Here are my OPC-UA settings .is there anythig i should change please.

Those are the server settings, not the settings for the connection to the server.

Look under Config > OPC Client > OPC Connections, the same place you have a connection to Kepware configured.

Thank you very much for your answers Kevin.
I have one OPC connection which is KepServer and it is woking fine for 4 months now .
is it iterfering somehow with the PLC?.
I am connected directely to the processors ethernet port.if i want to connect ignition from the EN2T Ethernet module . what conection path should i use please?


When you configure device connections using Ignition's drivers they are made available via Ignition's OPC UA server. Ignition comes with a connection to its own server by default, but you or somebody else must have deleted it.

You can re-create the OPC UA connection yourself. The discovery URL will be opc.tcp://localhost:62541/discovery, the default username/password are opcuauser and password.

If you can't get that working it's probably time for you to call support so they can walk you through it and answer any additional questions.

Thank you Very much Kevin it worked perfectly :pray:
Thank you for your Help