Not able to make Header dock and navigation dock constant

I have created Header view and Navigation view. Both view are configured in "page configuration" page as header and navigation dock. My issue is, if I click menu tree component in navigation dock view, it takes me to new page. I want both header and navigation should fixed. Kindly help me resolve this small issue.!:slight_smile:

Can you confirm both dock view are in "Shared settings" and not assign on the page?

yes, it is not configured on shared setting .shared setting has some other url views.

It should be configured on shared setting to make it visible on all views.

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Can you please guide me to do that. Not able to get that?

Example, we can see both docked view is fixed , how to do that ?

You have to define your dock on Shared settings

Then they will be applied to all the pages and will appear in dark shade.

Thank you for your help. issue is resolved now:)