Not all Easy Chart properties trigger a property change?

Hoping to clarify what properties do and don't trigger a property change within the Easy Chart.

When editing the property change scripting for the chart, the event is described to "Fires whenever a bindable property of the source component changes." However, I am running into an issue that the Unit Count and Unit properties don't seem to trigger any event when they are adjusted within the chart using the following inputs:

Both of these properties are bindable so I would expected them to trigger an event. Even the basic debugging propertyChange script below does not cause the print statements to be logged to the console.

if event.propertyName == 'unitCount':
if event.propertyName == 'unit':

Has anyone ever successfully used these two properties to trigger a property change?

Yeah, a lot of components have a limited set of change-generating properties, because the author has to deliberately include a firePropertyChange() call in the properties' setter methods.

The designer Bean for the component is supposed to mark the proper ones as bindable, but not all are done correctly.

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@justinedwards.jle could probably be asked to hook into the appropriate internal listeners to watch for a value change, if you really wanted to drive something programmatically off these. The RealtimeDateRange component you're modifying can be accessed from a chart reference with getRtDateRange(), and that component has the internal combobox and spinner you'd have to hook listeners up to in order to receive events as those properties change:

    PMIComboBox combo;
    PMISpinner numericTF;

I don't do it this way. I use a template window with a side panel. The side panel has a radio button for toggling between real time and historical modes, and I keep my own spinner and drop-down there. Selecting real time mode gets the real time date range and sets its parent's visibility to false, so the user never sees or directly interacts with any of it.