Not Evaluating Trigger

I had a transaction group ‘lock up’ over the weekend. The trigger for it was being reported as ‘bad quality’ and therefore not evaluating. It had been that way for 36 hours. No network problems when I got here this morning. The only way I could get it running again was to stop the group, disable the trigger and have the group fire periodically and then enable the trigger again. Any ideas?

This sounds like it’s related to your other post- that something is wrong on the communication end. If the trigger quality isn’t good it won’t evaluate- the question is why it wasn’t good. By stopping and starting the group, you re-subscribed the tag, which is likely why it started working again.

As in that last thread, I would recommend upgrading. Then, keep an eye on data and logs, and give us a call if something doesn’t look right. I suspect that there are either PLC or network events that are occurring that aren’t being handled correctly, something that has been a focus in recent revisions.


Should I download the latest version from the ‘Download’ section where prompted to download a demo version? Or is there somewhere else? Also, can I install directly over the old version? Do I need to uninstall the activation and reinstall? Thanks for your help.

Yes, just go to the download section and get the newest version. Run the installer and it will upgrade itself.