Numeric Entry Field behavior

I have noticed a weird behavior with the Numeric Entry Field component. When the field holds an integer value and you click on it, it retains the value and highlights it, however when the field contains a decimal value, when you click on it the hides the value. The gif below demonstrates what I'm rambling about.


Im assuming this has something to do with the automatic locale specific formatting that takes place behind the scenes.

Can anyone think of a way to change this behavior? I couldn't find anything useful in the docs or on the forum.

Hi @MSviga,

I'm looking to get a bit more information about the environment you're seeing this behavior in. Which version of Ignition are you working with? Are you observing the Numeric Entry Field behavior in The Designer, a web browser session, or the Perspective Workstation? Also, which locale are you using?

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this was observed on Ignition version 8.1.32 in the Edge browser with the "sl-SI" locale. However I went ahead and tested the behavior in the designer preview mode and in the perspective workstation.

The designer seems to not use the automatic locale specific formatting at all. When trying to write a decimal value using the comma (which is the decimal seperator for the sl-SI locale) the designer ignores the input. Meaning if I try to type 3,1 the input field recieves the value 31.

Perspective Workstation:
In the workstation, the value is displayed as if no locale specific formatting takes place, however when you click on the field to give it focus, it then gets translated. Meaning at first it displays 3.1 but after clicking it displays 3,1 and then reverts back when focus is lost.

Hopefully thats enough information.

Any update on this?