OAuth 2.0 Client in Python/Jython scripting (i.e. Gateway events)

OAuth 2.0 Client was added to Ignition in recent versions. My team has some RESTful APIs we'd like to hit with Ignition data, which are authenticated with OAuth

I have been able to add the OAuth client id and secret in the Config -> Security -> OAuth2 Clients menu, but thus far all of the recent threads and articles that I've found have been focused on email integration.

Is the OAuth client accessible from Python scripting, for example in a Gateway Event? Is there any documentation available?

No, this functionality is planned, but there's not yet a definitive start date for its implementation work. I'll a link to this forum post to bump/indicate interest.

edit: it is already on the roadmap for Q1 2024


Any update on this? We have a similar use case and are looking at whether this is something we could wait on vs alternative solutions such as hosting python 3 as a local service or exposing Java equivalents

I wouldn't wait, this no longer appears to be assigned to any quarter on the roadmap.

Got it, thanks for the crazy quick response. We'll follow one of the alternatives