Obtaining waveform data from a power quality meter

I am trying to pull the waveform data from a power quality meter. The meter is connected via Modbus TCP, and I am able to view the live modbus registers on the device in Ignition. There are options to send the waveform data via email in the form of a CSV, or to do an HTTP post from the device. Can we utilize the Ignition web server to post the waveform data to the Ignition server, and then use the webdev module to do an HTTP Get from the Ignition server to pull it into the Ignition system? Or is there a way for the Ignition server to receive an email with the CSV data attached and trigger an event to push the csv data to a database?

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Use the WebDev module to receive an HTTP post.

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You have removed the original text of your question, thus making this thread almost useless for anyone else with the same problem! Can you restore the original post and thank Kevin using the Solution icon?


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