Odbc connection

Hi: Does Ignition support ODBC drivers? Any links to describe how to setup connectivity with Ignition? Thanks!

What database are you trying to connect to?

Ignition uses JDBC since it runs on java. ODBC is a Windows only connection.

The java JDBC-ODBC bridge technology was removed long ago (Java 8 and later). There might be third party implementations. This one, perhaps:

can this be implemented into ignition?

What do you mean by "this"?

ODBC, the underlying technology, as mentioned above is Windows specific and semi-proprietary. We have no interest in supporting it first party.

ODBC via JDBC 'bridge' drivers exist, as linked above. You are welcome to use these (exclusively commercial) options with Ignition, as you can readily add new JDBC drivers to Ignition. We also have no interest in doing this first party.

The best way to deal with ODBC is to add your old ODBC stuff as linked servers in MSSQL and then use JDBC to connect to MSSQL.


Thanks, I just came across this in another post and I think this is the best way to go. Thank you