Odd values coming back from Historian

Alright here we go again folks…

I have a set of EXTREMELY odd values being reported from the historian module and I cannot figure out why…

Heres the data as reported by the Designer… and to everyone else using the project
Just incase anyone is having issues figuring out what value is the culprit …
It’s the one with 8 commas…

Here’s the raw data for that column…

What does the historian binding (or however you’re populating the dataset with the weird values) look like?

Here are screen captures of the binding for that graph… The first is the actual binding and the second is the reference for the this.custom.key

Do I need to split these up into separate keys?

Screen Shot 2020-09-08 at 8.08.59 AM

Could be a bug. I’ve seen some strange things with historian using specific aggregates. I called and they agreed and submitted a ticket, but I don’t know if my issues relate.

I would call support.

Never mind… Thanks for the replies … I found “the glitch”… looks like I actually have that value but it is several hours after it is being displayed… Strange again…

Screen Shot 2020-09-08 at 8.50.35 AM

About the time difference: is it a timezone issue?

And about the value, perhaps there’s another instance writing to the same database (a restored backup maybe).

Ahhh yes my SQL server’s time is set to 0 UTC… Mystery solved for the time stamp…

I have a feeling that this is an endpoint issue. I’m dealing with very old Bristol 3340s.

Thanks again all!!!