Old Inductive Projects

FPMI and FPGB files from an older version…
Is it possible to load these projects with Ignition?
If so, how should I do it?

Just restore the project within Ignition and open it. You will need to do this through the Legacy tab in the Backup/Restore section of the Ignition gateway. Also, make sure that your FPMI backups are coming from the most recent version of FPMI.

This might be worth a read also, this is found on the Inductive Automation website.
files.inductiveautomation.com/gu … _Guide.pdf

I’ve uploaded the FactoryPMI file in the legacy tab…
Where does it upload?
How do I open the file? It doesn’t show up as one of my projects.

It should have merged in all of the old projects in with Ignition. If you don’t see any projects can you post the results of the legacy restore?

from one of my backup project files.

the results

Hit continue on the import progress page, then import the parts you want. Your not completing the import

Thanks, I did not see the continue icon.