Omron FINS Driver String Byte Order

I am using an Omron NX CPU. The pair of characters in each 16 bit word are swapped when the String type is used in the OPC path - "ABCD" becomes "BADC". I tried all the Data Type Modifiers (@BE, @LE, @HL, @LH) but they don't have any effect. Is this behaviour expected?

As a workaround, I am using a derived tag to swap the byte order on reading and writing but ideally I wish the Omron FINS driver can handle this. In comparison, Kepware supports HiLo byte order, LoHi byte order,Only High byte and Only Low byte for their String data type.

Related Thread.

The byte/word order modifies do not currently apply to String values - you'll have to look at workarounds like the one @David_Stone suggested.