On condition alarm occasionally not clearing when condition clears

I have 40 alarmed tags as part of a larger udt that are active when its' tag value != '000-0'

Currently I have one of these that no longer meets that condition but still has an active alarm.

This code is changed through a script along with 39 other tags at the same time (two system.tag.writeBlocking calls that both write 20 tags). This has happened at least one other time before, but is relatively rare. I've triple checked to make sure this one tag didn't have different alarm settings or scripts associated with it or something, and it doesn't. That also wouldn't make sense because if I changed the value to something else, and back to '000-0', it essentially resets it and it works. (just did that)

Is it possible occasionally the tag won't re-evaluate its' alarm when the value is changed in this way? Is there a script command I could use to force the tag to re-evaluate its' alarms?
