OPC Connection to Another Ignition OPC UA Server on a different domain

I am creating a connection on an 8.0.6 ignition to another ignition server running 7.9.12

GIF steps

  1. Endpoint Discovery
  2. Choose A Server
  3. Security setup
  4. Left auth blank

I created a new Client cert on the 8.0.6

I then applied this to the 7.9.12 server

But the OPC Connection on 8.0.6 server shows Faulted.

Can someone point me in the right direction here?

Are these two servers running on the same machine? Your GIF shows you connecting to localhost…

And whatever you’re doing with that client certificate isn’t necessary. 7.9.x doesn’t have any kind of certificate handling.

No, not on the same server. I don’t see the localhost you refer to. The gif shows 127.x.x.x not localhost.

I was trying to follow the Kepware OPC connection article. Is there an article on how to connect one ignition opc ua server with another ?

Say what? 127.x.x.x is defined (By IETF) to be only valid for localhost. It is never valid for anything else.

Ah. Not an expert network guy here. That explains why I got so far.

I kept on using the IP address of the machine and it wasn’t working ( error code to follow) so I did a netstat in power shell to look for which IP address was associated with port 4096… and yeah 127.x.x.x came up.

Back to the drawing board

Here is the remote server, IP address, showing port 4096 for the OPC-UA service

when i try to connect from the main, I get this error

Connection Refused is typically due to a firewall along the way.

Or in this case, because the other server is clearly configured to bind to “localhost”.

Replace “localhost” in that configuration with the IP ( of that server and then restart Ignition.

If you don’t manage to get this working soon support would be able to walk you through it pretty quick. Just make sure you call, not email.

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Thank you Phil and Kevin

I changed the Endpoint Address to and restarted the Ignition Gateway service

I then went back to the other server and attempted to connect again with the same result.

I’ll give support a call.

Joe R in support helped me out here

The server and client certs on the remote side were wrong ( had odd looking ip address)

Once we fixed that I was connected