OPC rejected when adding Opto22 Groov Rio

We have some remote sensors and are using two Opto 22 Groov Rios. I can add the first one as a UPC no issue and when adding the second one I am getting this message.

UaException: status=Bad_ConnectionRejected, message=io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: getsockopt: /

The first RIO I added was and had no issue and went right through. I can pull both up by typing in the IP into the browser and all setting inside the device are exactly the same with the exception of the IP. I thought maybe I had a weird port on the ethernet switch so I went out and swapped were they were plugged up hoping the problem would follow. But I am still having the same issue as before. Any help would be appreciated.

Is this a typo? Should it be 4840?

This is a plain networking error, usually it means wrong IP or port or a firewall actively rejecting the connection.

No, the first x.x.x.11 RIO has the same tcp.

Not sure then. In addition to the above, also check to see that the OPC server has been configured/enabled on this Rio unit. I'm not really familiar with these, but this suggests it's something that has to be configured.

I appreciate the help. Not sure what happened but walked away and came back and it took it. Not sure why but hey it's working! Pixies must have needed some time to reorganize.
