OPC-UA array tags

since 7.8 finally supports arrays, i tried to define an opc tag from an OPC-UA array tag. This did not work because Ignition seems to convert the incoming array to an String (like it did before 7.8 ).
Will OPC-UA arrays be supported in the final 7.8 release?

It’s not going to make it into 7.8.0, but hopefully soon after.

Edit: I think it might work if you manually change a tags datatype to be array, though. But the drag n’ drop of an array tag into Ignition doesn’t work, as you saw.

Thank you for this info. Manually changing the tags datatype to array works :thumb_left: .

This works correct only for signed numeric types. Unsigned types (UInt16, UInt32...) are treated as Strings by Ignition. This is no problem for scalar values (the string can be coerced to Int without problem), but an unsigned array can only be converted to an array of String.
It would be better if Ignition would use the next bigger signed type (UInt16->Int32, UInt32->Int64). Only an UInt64 really needs to be treated as a string.
Alternatively it should be possible to coerce the single components of an array.

This works correct only for signed numeric types. Unsigned types (UInt16, UInt32...) are treated as Strings by Ignition. This is no problem for scalar values (the string can be coerced to Int without problem), but an unsigned array can only be converted to an array of String.

That's not surprising to hear. I think I know where support needs to be added, though.

Support for array tag types was a last minute "bonus" feature Colby implemented. So while it's neat that it's technically possible now, there wasn't any time to build the proper integrations with other Ignition sub-systems... which makes the experience as a whole pretty unpolished :cry:

Hopefully by 7.8.1 or 7.8.2 the integration will be a little bit better.