OPC UA Error: Expected data is unavailable for the requested time range due to an un-mounted volume

I am using Kepare to create an OPC UA Connection to a plastics press. I know very little about OPC UA outside of the configuation. Far as understand it to make a connection you simply open some ports and pretty much browse to the the tags you want. I posted a photo the error pretty much showing the process.

So I can select tags when I browse to the PLC. I select the ones I want then I click OK. To check my tags I run the OPC QC and I get the error noted. The actual error is "Expected data is unavailable for the requested time range due to an un-mounted volume". If anyone could provide some insight it to what this errir I would really appreciate it." I don't know if it is client side or a server side issue.

The Error Mean : "BadDataUnavailable" that is not much help to me.

I would like to know, in human terms, what the error is and what could be causing it. I would really apprcate any insight you could provide.

You probably need to get support from the vendor of this PLC / Server.

I can't say for sure since neither of these are Ignition, but it looks like the Kepware client is trying to create Monitored Items and the Server is responding with Bad_DataUnavailable.

It has a goofy description because this isn't really a StatusCode you are supposed to use at the operation or service level for Monitored Items; it's defined by part 11 for use with history services. A developer who wasn't paying much attention might use it anyway because its name "sounds" relatively appropriate to them (ignoring the description).

Thanks Kevin - It seems to me the server has no idea what it is looking at. So it throws the message. So it sees it but can't translate it. That was my thought.