Open Ignition Vision Project/Login from Perspective session

[Warning: brand new developer] Sorry if its a repeat thread I searched and couldn't find anything. I want to have the user be able to click a marker on the map and launch a vision project and login through scripting. I have operators who want to be able to look at a map and launch the ignition project for a certain site just by clicking on it. I have the marker click set up to direct you toward a URL and that works great but I'm not sure how to set it to a vision project since its not a webpage and is a stand-alone application. Any help is greatly appreciated thanks!

No can do due to security*. You can't launch applications from a Web browser. I'm sure others can elaborate far better than I can, but that's the jist of it.

*if perspective Workstation had the function added however, you would be able to from here, but not now

You know how sometimes when you click something on a website the browser will prompt you with "open in uTorrent" or any other application. Since perspective is web based is there no way to do this but launch vision?

The application to be launched must install a URL handler into the browser when is itself installed (before clicking on such a link). Vision's client launcher does not do so. I guess it could be possible. You should put it on IA's feature request site.

A URL of the form vision://gateway:port/projectName would make sense. Perhaps with queryString parameters turned into Client Tag overrides.

If such were implemented, it would be nice to have these URLs present on the gateway's home page, too.