Options to do remote-debugging of custom modules?

Hi all,

I am currently starting to implement the functionality of my first ignition module. Now I thought, as Ignition is Java based, I could probably initialize a remote debugging session to see how my module is operating in ignition. Unfortunately the startup process is not as straight-forward as starting a normal java program. So far I haven't been able to find how to make the JVM listen for incoming debugging sessions.

It would be great, if anyone here could give me a pointer to how to do this.


The $IGNITION/data/ignition.conf file already comes with the lines you just need to uncomment before restarting the Ignition Gateway:


I had to do this just last week - it's incredibly easy to set up and very, very useful.

Here is the guide I followed to set up a remote debugging profile for IntelliJ. Also, just know that its normal for your gateway to time out if you're debugging longer than like 30 seconds.

You can set an additional ignition.conf property to prevent that:

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Hi all,

thanks for the pointers ... yeah ... my "fix" seems a bit more complicated, as I renamed the java executable and added a shell script to patch in the arguments ... this solution is so much nicer :wink:
