Hi. Has anyone developed an oscilloscope type view for analysing different power related tags such as voltage and current using Perspective?
I haven't seen one. Probably hasn't been done, as drivers for SCADA systems generally don't operate at the sample rates required to capture such waveforms. If you have something that does that capturing, a project to view them should be fairly simple.
I have done something similar (albeit for monitoring servo motor torque readings) but the same concept would apply.
As Phil said, SADA drivers are generally not fast enough for the type of sample rate that you would need.
What I have done is mostly device based. I created a ring buffer in the PLC that is populated at my sample rate, mine was 50ms, but smaller sample rates could be accomplished. Then that buffer was poled at a lower rate (3 seconds in my case) and the data was manually inserted into Tag History.
This method is Visualization Module agnostic.
If you want true real time monitoring, that's a tall order.
Thanks Phil and Louis. I really appreciate your input and will look at this with our PLC and SCADA engineers in the context of your comments. Louis, your solution sounds very interesting. I might come back to you for more details if that's ok.