I have several checkweighers. They each spit out weighings on UDP every few seconds and I can pick them up with the TCP driver. The string received is in the format
Date=2020-06-12,TIME=9:11:44,MachineID=Pack1, ... ,Weight=23.60,Target=23.54, etc.
I parse these out into memory tags Date, Time, MachineID, Weight, Target, etc. successfully.
What’s the best way to store these in the default database?
- I could do it with one row per weighing into a dedicated tabe but there would be a lot of
redundant data such as the date and target weight that only change daily or with batch change. - I could use the default historian with a deadband or log on change but I’m never confident that the table queries will match up the related data on the same row of the table.
What’s the right approach here?