Pass Parameter between pages

I’m going to break my answer into two pieces because there’s a lot of confusion around the terminology between Views, Pages, Windows, and Sessions. To be clear, Windows are Vision, so I won’t be tackling that here. The only way to pass values between sessions is either through the database or Tags, so we’ll gloss past that as well.

Part One - Passing Values Between Views:

To pass a parameter to an Embedded View, create a new EmbeddedView.props.params property for each key you’d like to send. This key must be identical to the parameter the Embedded View will be expecting. In the case of the following screenshot, the Embedded View is expecting a parameter with a key of “id”.

Carousel Views are handled in the same manner, although the properties you’ll be configuring are called “viewPath” and “viewParams” instead of “path” and “params”.

Popup Views have their parameters configured in the Popup Action screen. In the following screenshot, my Popup View expects three parameters: “id”, “enable_button”, and “parent_count”. With Popup Views, you may only supply parameters to be read by the “child” View; there is no back-and-forth communication between the child and parent Views.

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