Pass popup parameters back to main window

I have a main window that has a number of fields that the operator can select. When you click on the field , a popup window opens and I pass some parameters to it to configure what is display for the operator. Basically a single column table for the operator to select the required info. On double click, the information is captured and the window is closed.

Is there a way on the close of the window to pass the selected data back to the main screen and apply it to the field that selected the popup window.


On the main window add the names of the parameters you want to pass. On the pop up close command button add a script that sends the parameters and closes the popup.


Thanks for the reply but I am not doing this in perspective but in vision. It looks like I can try similar commands that apply to vision.

Were you able to get this to work in Vision. I have a application where I would really like to be able to pass values from the popup back to the base main window on the popup close.

Pass strings for window name, component path, and property name as window parameters (root container custom prop names).

Then you can use system.gui.getWindow() to retrieve the window object, .getComponentForPath() to retrieve the target component object, then python's built-in setattr() to apply your changes.