When passing this pyArray:
to a pop up, I'm getting this:
<ArrayWrapper>: [80L, 75L, 3L, 4L, 20L, 0L, 6L, 0L, 8L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 33L, 0L, 116L, 13L, -94L, -95L, 23L, 2L, 0L, 0L, -39L, 11L, 0L, 0L, 19L, 0L, 8L, 2L, 91L, 67L, 111L, 110L, 116L, 101L, 110L, 116L, 95L, 8...
I tried to transform it:
byte_array = bytearray((b & 0xFF) for b in rawData)
rawData = base64.b64encode(byte_array).decode('ascii')
And it kinda works, but doesnt return the same thing. It makes it a pyUnicode, and when trying to insert it with an sql query it gives an error:
UEsDBBQABgAIAAAAIQB0DaKhFwIAANkLAAATAAgCW0NvbnRlbnRfVHlwZXNdLnhtbCCiBAIooAACAAAA (type_ class org.python.core.PyUnicode
I want to either pass the data without transforming it or be able to get it back to its initial format.