PDf Viewer

A quick question.

I don’t use the reporting tools in a project but I do need to view PDFs for the system manuals.

Will the PDF viwer work if the Reporting module is unlicensed? any one try it? its very difficult to test

In 7.8 and above, the PDF viewer bundled with the reporting module works just fine even when unlicensed. (For 7.7 and lower, use the free stand-alone PDF viewer module.)

I’m curious about why it’s difficult for you to test. All you need to do is install the reporting module (no need to restart the Gateway), launch a designer, drop a PDF viewer component on a window, and give it a pdf path. Is there something special that makes it hard to test in your setup?

Hi Kathy

Thanks for the info, off to site tomorrow to install.

I can test PDF viewer, it works fine.

Its tricky to test if PDF viewer requires a licence, as you need a licence without the reporter module to check, In trial mode (or a developers licence) you can’t turn modules licensing on or off to see the effect. Hence the question. However, now I know. :thumb_left:


I too have similar requirement, I have to display a PDF in my vision client.

Is it possible to use PDF Viewer component in Vision Client without Reporting module License?

Doesn't that answer your question ?