I am updating the following value on a persistent record to maintain the status of an object:
public static final StringField Status = new StringField(META, "Status", SFieldFlags.SMANDATORY, SFieldFlags.SDESCRIPTIVE).setDefault("Created");
public void setStatus(String status) {
logger.debug("Setting status for " + this.getName() + " to " + status);
this.setString(Status, status);
And am calling it in the following way:
List<BaseRecord> baseRecords = context.getPersistenceInterface().query(new SQuery<>(BaseRecord.META));
for (BaseRecord SettingsRecord : baseRecords) {
DatabaseConnector connector = gateway.getConnector(SettingsRecord.getName());
boolean isConnected = connector.verifyConnectivity();
boolean enabled = SettingsRecord.getBoolean(BaseRecord.Enabled);
String status = (isConnected) ? "Valid" : "Faulted";
status = (enabled) ? status : "Disabled";
And I can see in the logs where my code is trying to update the statuses:
But for some reason they are never updating. I tested it out by making the value visible in the config form and updating it manually to “TEST” and I don’t ever see it change from that value, even with the logs saying it should.