I’ve found some things broke after upgrading from 8.0 to 8.1 RC2:
Looks like when I use historical data as the datasource, the chart doesnt read the data correctly. The chart will draw the “value” column , but the x-trace and the legend will say “t_stamp” instead. Also, if I add trends and columns, some of them won’t show up, and the ones that do show, have values from the wrong columns.
I’ve solved the problem by using value format “Document” instead of “Dataset” in the binding options. However, I get a bunch of errors messages:
series[X].data[x]: object found, array expected
time: is missing but it is required
I think by default the chart is looking for the column “time” and the dataset has “t_stamp” instead. I couldn’t find a property to specify the time column name.