Perspective and Designer Output Console. Does It Work?

I have a Perspective View that contains a button with an “onActionPerformed” script attached to it. The script is a simple print statement, which I hoped would display in the Designer Output Console.

def runAction(self, event):
	This event is fired when the 'action' of the component occurs.

		self: A reference to the component that is invoking this function.
		event: An empty event object.
	print "Did this work?"

It did not. Or on the Gateway Log. Nope. It did add a text entry to the wrapper.log file on the server. If my script generates a Jython stack trace, however, I DO see that in the Output Console, so clearly Perspective can send at least some output to it.

I did find that I could create my own logger with system.util.getLogger and then use it to send things to the Gateway Log. That works, but am I missing something super easy here? And as a follow on question, is everything in Perspective Gateway scoped since there isn’t a “client” per se?

You are looking for system.perspective.print()

is everything in Perspective Gateway scoped since there isn’t a “client” per se?

Perspective's Browser-Based Sessions are hosted on the Gateway, correct.

Awesome! And thank you.