Perspective Bound Custom Properties Disappear

I understand that custom properties without a value disappear when they are not set to persistent, but the manual says the exception to this rule is bound properties. I think I found a bug that involves object type custom properties.

To recreate this issue:

  1. Create a custom property on a view that is an object type.
  2. Create two keys for this object and bind one of them to a tag. Leave property as transient.
  3. Save the view and close.
  4. Re-open the view, only the un-bound key will still be visible.

The object still shows there is a binding, but it is not visible. If you add another key to the object, the first key will re-appear. Setting the key to persistent will fix the issue, but I still think this is a bug.

This bug only seems to effect object type properties. Array and value types seem to work fine.

This was tested in Ignition 8.1.0.

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Could someone from Ignition confirm if this is a bug?

Iā€™m not seeing this behavior in 8.1.3, but it will probably be at least Monday before I could get an 8.1.0 environment in place to verify this due to other obligations.

My Perspective Property Editor after saving/closing/opening:

Thanks. I will try upgrading and report back.