Perspective Coordinate View - Anchor Button to "root" when root set to "percent"

I have a coordinate container with multiple buttons on a Google Earth 3D image/background of my facility. I have "Buttons" at each building that have a configured event when clicked to change views. My problem is, the root container "mode" is set to "percent". When a session is launched on a browser, most buttons do not grow/adjust to the buidlings label. I also have a side bar menu (left of container) and a header (top of container). Is there a way to achor or lock the buttons location to the root container over each building label? (First image shows Designer, "ESEB" button over building label. Second image, Session lauch in browser show "ESEB" button not shifted above the building label)

you need to set the aspect ratio in root {width}:{height}

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If I set the aspect ratio to 668:401, what happens when I go from a wide screen monitor, say 24", to a laptop screen, of even an iPad? Will this setting still adjust accordingly?

aspect ratio 668:401 are the size of the image I use, you will need your own value, but it ensure everything in the screen match this ratio

for a response to your question, it will be the same blue background will appear, but the buttons will be offset by the same values, as the image