Perspective designer bug when loosing connection to gateway

Hi, wondering if anyone also has problems with this.
Its been a reoccurring problem for me. I have a engineering server with a gateway, that i use to develop projects on.

The problem is that objects suddenly change. Let me give you an example.
Here the "bar" and "%" label have suddenly gained properties from the other labels.
The text has changed, the style class has changed, and it as gained 5 custom properties from the labels on the right side. It is only the custom properties, not the bindings on them.

In this case, the white "%" and "bar" label is next to each other in the object tree. INSTRUMENT_LABLE_1 and INSTRUMENT_LABLE_2

While i haven't exactly figured out how the problem occurs, it starts when "loosing" connection to the gateway, either by the PC logging off, going to sleep, or a loss of network connection.

It seems like all the properties "shift" to other objects close by.

In total there was 8 objects that unintentionally changed without my intervention, this time. At least that i know of. This is the annoying part. I get unsure of what has acually changed and has to recheck every object on the page.

Is it possible that you had duplicated the components from the right, and then went back in and edited the components, removing the custom properties and changing the styling, but prior to saving you lost connection to the gateway?

In this case a loss of connection to the gateway would cause the components to revert back to the last saved state.

No, i haven't edited those components since i made them last week. And they were perfectly fine yesterday. Was editing the page, but that was adding/editing other objects. I save regularly, so it cant have been big changes to the page that was left unsaved.

  1. Im pretty sure the issue comes when i edit something, can be a minor thing unrelated to the objects.
  2. The PC goes to sleep because i get a phone call, or go to lunch.
  3. I log back into the PC, the designer reestablish connection to the gateway immediately, i continue to work, and the press save. I guess its unsynched to the server somehow.

Never get a warning of conflict or anything like that. And I'm the only one using the gateway.
Always try to save or close the designer before leaving the PC. But once a while i slip up and this happens.

What version of Ignition are you on, and what OS are you using? I personally haven’t seen this, but that information will be useful to IA for trying to replicate.

There are many development systems, not just Ignition, that don't play well with any kind of sleep. I disable automatic sleep on my laptop (except for lid close) just to avoid these kinds of problems, everywhere.

Yes, there's probably a bug, but not sleeping is the work-around.

I did that. But now our IT supplier has forced some windows group policies on us.. Quite common that they don't want unattended computers unlocked. I will have to take it up with them.

I have also been connecting to the designer through a cloudflared argo tunnel. Not sure if that can cause any issues. I'll try to connect directly to the local IP over https while im in the office.

Locking and unlocking is fine. I do that all the time. It is the sleep that kills network connections.

Im on 8.1.36, but its been a problem with previous versions too. Running W11 and server 2019 for the gateway.

My screen locks after 1 min, even though my windows settings are set to 10 min. Not sure when the pc goes to sleep, but i assume its not following my system settings that is "never", when the screen lock doesn't. They power up so fast now, its hard to tell sometimes, if its sleeping or if its locked.

Ill get control over my settings after talking to IT. That will hopefully reduce the frustration.

Still, i would love to see a update from ignition, that mitigates this issue. I had a object only change its tag name, didn't notice and it went to production.
Some sort of check that lets you know something has happened, and maybe verify the changes compared to the server file. (simple A/B comparison Client/server changes). Obviously this would be annoying to to every single save, and I'm not sure how they notice that something has gone wrong and only give you the option to verify the changes then.
The lack of any kind of warning message is my biggest "ick". Id rather discard the changes, than save a corrupted page.

Wouldn't be surprised if its the same issue when page config is suddenly gone. Haven't experienced it myself, but read about it here.

Edit: Come to think about something, I think some softwares prevent the PC from going to sleep. Would be nice if the designer did the same, if it can cause issues like this.

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