Perspective designer bug when loosing connection to gateway

My screen locks after 1 min, even though my windows settings are set to 10 min. Not sure when the pc goes to sleep, but i assume its not following my system settings that is "never", when the screen lock doesn't. They power up so fast now, its hard to tell sometimes, if its sleeping or if its locked.

Ill get control over my settings after talking to IT. That will hopefully reduce the frustration.

Still, i would love to see a update from ignition, that mitigates this issue. I had a object only change its tag name, didn't notice and it went to production.
Some sort of check that lets you know something has happened, and maybe verify the changes compared to the server file. (simple A/B comparison Client/server changes). Obviously this would be annoying to to every single save, and I'm not sure how they notice that something has gone wrong and only give you the option to verify the changes then.
The lack of any kind of warning message is my biggest "ick". Id rather discard the changes, than save a corrupted page.

Wouldn't be surprised if its the same issue when page config is suddenly gone. Haven't experienced it myself, but read about it here.

Edit: Come to think about something, I think some softwares prevent the PC from going to sleep. Would be nice if the designer did the same, if it can cause issues like this.

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