Perspective: Disable Header and Menu for Specific Pages in Ignition

Hello Ignition Community,

I'm looking for some assistance with customizing my Ignition project. Specifically, I want to disable the header and menu for certain pages to display them in full screen.

Here’s what I’ve tried so far:

  • I attempted using the event onStartup with a fullscreen script, but unfortunately, it didn't work as expected.

Could anyone provide guidance or suggest a method to achieve this? I appreciate any help or suggestions you can provide.

Thank you!
Screenshot 2024-05-31 100751

See if adding system.perspective.toggleDock | Ignition User Manual in the onStartup script will do it. (I don't know.)

Add exactly the same view in your individual page as a dock in the same spot as the global one, but set it to be on demand. You'll see two docks with the same name in the page but the local one will override the global and it'll hide


It works. Thank you :pray: :pray:

Could you elaborate on this?

Which view do you refer to?

And what do you mean by "on demand"?

Edit: I figured it out! Easier than I thought. But, I have a follow up question: Why does Perspective still display the Menu after I have renamed it AND moved it into another folder? That was my first attempt at hiding it.

I assume you mean you renamed the View that the dock uses and you moved the View into another folder in the project tree?
If the page is still displaying it after renaming and moving, either you've got the wrong View or your client hasn't updated yet