Perspective double click alarm acknowledgement

I am wanting to add functionality in Perspective that allows me to acknowledge an alarm when double clicked. I have attached a screenshot of how it was done in Vision but have not been able to make it work on Perspective as alarmEvent is not parsed through the script. Is it possible to achieve this functionality in Perspective?

Hi @Cody_Miller,

Your best bet for the moment would be to use the system.alarm.querystatus and make your alarm list by yourself in a table component.
Then you can use the row double click to get the alarm eventid and execute the acknowledgement.

@PGriffith Is there any beter way to do this and is there any extra extension functions to the perspective alarm status foreseen in the next releases ?


I don’t see any way to extract the event ID under the cursor, no. I’m not aware of any plans to add extra extension functions/change the existing ones on the power table. It’d be a good ideas post/feature request, though.


Thanks for your feedback.
I've add this idea to the list


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Has there been any development to extract event ID or other event data from mouse click in the alarm status table?

No. In Vision, it's absolutely possible to script it. @justinedwards.jle might have a script already handy to do so, I know he's posted a lot of alarm status table stuff.

From your other thread, you might be asking about Perspective, though, in which case it's unrelated to the subject of this thread.

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Yes, I am asking to have it done in perspective. I can get a custom popup or page navigation to function based with the alarm list, but only when there is one alarm selected in the list. (I dont want to change the list to allow only one selection, that will prevent the use from acking only 1 alarm at a time)

This must be done by the software developers somehow already because if you click on the tag icon in the alarm list, a popup appears that is for that alarm only. It would be helpful if some of that was exposed to us programmers.

It's not difficult. Right click on the alarm status table, and click "configure events":

Then, select the onClick mouse event, and you can script it from there using the Alarm Status Table's 'selection' prop.


#def runAction(self, event):
	# Get the active selection data
	selections =

	# Loop through the data and extract any eventIds
	eventIds = [selection.eventId for selection in selections]

	# Display the eventIds in a label
	self.getSibling("Label").props.text = eventIds

Here is the result:

As for the OP:

The above script used in conjunction with system.alarm.acknowledge on the onDoubleClick event worked in the version of perspective I am using, but it was clunky. Any selected alarms other than the one I was clicking on got acknowledged, but because clicking the row selected and deselected the checkbox, often times the alarm being double clicked wasn't selected when the double click event occurred, so it didn't get acknowledged.

That said, double clicking anywhere else on the table acknowledged the selected alarms just fine, but none of this seems intuitive, so I would not recommend this approach.

The OP was a Vision question. The newcomer should have started a new Perspective topic. Leave the topic tag set to Vision.

Oops. I was trusting @cmallonee's assessment, and the screenshot. /:

Whoa - don't bring me into this! :laughing:

Hah! You added the first Vision tag to this topic.

Ah, dang.

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Hilarious! It never occurred to me to look at the revision history, and I didn't look at the picture that closely.