Perspective: embedded background color, flex repeater

Hello, i have a flex repeater that is getting the instances from a sql table, i need to change the background color from the embedded (that is in the flex repeater path) in case one of the column value change, the first idea was using binding the background color to the param, the problem is that there are 219 different values, so the new idea is to have 2 background colors, lets say black and white, every time that the value change, for example the first ten values have the same value it will be black, if the value change then change to white, and if change again then go back to black, any ideas on how to complete this task?

A picture is much, much better than words (I hope). Add one in.

Remember that you're designing a graphical user interface (GUI) so it needs to follow good visual design guides and be clear to the reader what you information is being conveyed.

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