Perspective expression binding

Ok after a a couple of days of messing with this I am coming to the experts for some advice.

This is what I am trying to setup

I have a diodeoncolor in a 14 segment LED “TAG2” that I want to change change color based on the tag value of a different tag let’s call it “TAG1”

so for example:

if TAG1 = 1 and TAG2 > 80 then diodeoncolor will be red or #FF0000
if TAG1 = 2 and TAG2 < 80 then diodeoncolor will be green or #00FF00

I have been messing around with expression bindings and I know the syntax is not like python but I can’t get anything but errors. Am I on the right path with trying to use an expression binding or is there a better way?


If statements work a bit differently in the expression language:


What do you want to happen if the value of TAG2 = 80?
What do you want to happen if TAG1 = 1 and TAG2 < 80?
What do you want to happen if TAG1 = 2 and TAG2 > 80?
What do you want to happen if TAG1 is not 1 or 2?

... diodeoncolor in a 14 segment LED ...

Why anyone would want to make a difficult to read 1970s looking HMI when Ignition gives the possibility of using clear Truetype character display is beyond me but anyway ...

  • Create an expression binding on props.diodeOnColor.
  • Add in the expression,
	({[default]path/TAG1} = 1) && ({../Slider.props.value} > 80),
		({[default]path/TAG1} = 2) && ({../Slider.props.value} < 80),

As @lrose has pointed out you have not considered all the possible cases.

To be fair he did say this was just an example.

I'm not quite sure what it is you're trying to do, could you clarify your inputs and expected output ?
Are you setting up a tag ? A display component in a view ? What's the possible range on your variables ?

This example helped me figure out my issue! Thanks everyone for the quick responses!