Perspective- historize tags on login across multiple workstations

I am working on a system with 7 separate perspective workstations.

We are trying to set up some tags to historize only when a user is logged into the assigned workstation.

EX: Tag 1 will only historize when someone is logged into perspective workstation 1, Tag 2 for workstation 2 and so on.

Is there a way to go about doing this? I'm not sure how to script or refence specific workstations, or how to check if a specific workstation has been logged into.

Thank you

Ignition's historian has no "conditional" historization capability.

You would need to use SQL Bridge transaction groups with a trigger condition, or script your own database storage with a condition check on every execution.

You will also have to construct your own tracking for what workstations have a live client associated. This is especially difficult with Perspective.

The Audit Log might be able to handle your needs from a historial standpoint. You can set it up to track everything including button clicks if you wanted to too.

For live tracking of a specific user on a specific workstation, you can look at the session props username and IP address (assuming static IP) on Session Events>Startup/Shutdown. Per pturmel, this requires some scripting and and custom triggers.

I ended up figuring it out, just in case anyone else runs into the same issue. I wrote a script to trigger a tag on the LOGIN/LOGOUT button and parameterized the button for each station