[Perspective] HTTP Error 503 Service Unavailable

Hello. Since we've updated to Ignition 8.1.43 we've been encountering an annoying issue.
Every morning, when we start up our system, Chrome loads up with a Error 503 Service Unavailable message. The browser automatically opens after around 5 minutes pointing to the login page of our project through a Windows Scheduled Task.
We've never encountered this behaviour beforehand; moreover rebooting the system apparently resolves the issue.

The gateway logs show a bunch of warning like this one at the start up of the system:

Invalid configuration type hierarchy for node '000800c5-eb18-4844-9a9b-0257f45e6af6.42e12ad3-2721-421d-af86-c14dbd5909ca'. Parent entity '000800c5-eb18-4844-9a9b-0257f45e6af6' was not found, or not loaded in the correct order.

The node UUID changes for every entry.

Anyone? We've noticed that's possible dependant on the last Chrome versions, more than on Ignition.