Perspective :: Issues with Timezone


I have a timezone problem. We’ve got a universal server that is set to UTC to access data from multiple localization in the world so there are multiple timezones. For each data source, we have a project running perspective which is set to the same timezone of the data source.

The problem is that even after setting the project to the data source timezone (via Project properties > General: Project Timezone ), on the perspective session it’s still on the browser timezone. Am I missing something?

I’ve been testing by setting all timezone to UTC, but it still displays the same timezone of the browser. Configuration on the following pictures :

Project properties:
Screenshot from 2020-08-12 15-18-56

Session Props: (Can we change device timezone?)
Screenshot from 2020-08-12 15-20-45

Browser display: (left column Browser timezone, right one UTC timezone)

Any help would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Note :

  • Using Perspective V1.0.14
  • Using PostgreSQL 12
  • t_stamp values are stored in table are store in a timestampz column


Any way to set the device timezone? I have some times coming in from different timezones that I do not want converted.

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